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Sunday morning started with me and Harry snuggling in bed. Our legs tangled, arms around each other, my head on his chest. I woke up and tried to pull away but he groaned and pulled me tighter against him.

Sunday was the usual day, just being lazy. No talk about the kiss, I know we both want to bring it up. Now it's Monday and we are just pulling up into the school parking lot.

Harry turns the ignition of the car off and we both get out. While we are walking to the entry doors, everyone keeps staring at us weirdly. Maybe they are looking at me because I'm walking so casually next to one of the most popular boys at school.

When we get closer to my locker, a bunch of people are surrounding it with their phones out, taking photos of a piece of paper on it. Harry takes the lead in front of me and squeezes past everyone until he is directly in front of my locker. He takes the paper of and looks at it for a few seconds before scrunching it up and storming down the hall.

"Harry, wait- what was it?" I call after him, trying to catch up to his large strides.

When I catch up to him he looks down at me and let's out a small huff, "need to find fucking Becky."

"Why? Does she have something to do with the paper? What was it?" I ask.

Harry stops and runs his hands through his hair, "don't follow me," when I frown his face softens, "please, go to class I'll see you after school, yeah?" He smiles sadly.

"Yeah, whatever," I walk away without another word, slightly offended that he didn't even tell me what was on the paper. It would have had to be something to do with me if it was on my locker.

On the way to my first class a hand grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side. I look at the person in disgust when I turn around.

"Hear me out," Ashley tries to say.

"What bullshit do you have to say?" I cross my arms.

"Harry is bad. They are planning something and it's going—" I cut her off.

"Why should I believe you?" I scrunch my face up.

"Because after all the years of friendship I'm just looking out for you!" She complains.

"Look out for me, my ass," I mumble.

"Look, just look out for yourself, okay? You may not know what's happening and I may not know the full thing, but there is definitely something going on," she clenches he fists then shrugs.

"Okay, thanks I guess?" I turn and start walking to my class.

The rest of the day is filled with more stares and people whispering about me likes it's not obvious. I haven't seen any other piece of paper that could mean something and no one has bothered telling me what's going on.

I wait for Harry after school for an extra ten minutes at his car. When he comes he looks unhappy but manages to give me a small smile. We get in the car and he starts driving silently.

I sigh, "Harry, tell me what's happened," I whine.

He looks away from the road to look at me before returning his gaze to the road and shaking his head.

"Harry!" I yell, "tell me what the fuck is going on!" He's taken back with my loud voice filling the car but he groans and keeps driving.

I notice we drive past the street we usually turn into, "what- Harry you just missed the turn!"

"I know," he says casually.

"Now fucking talk. Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm taking us to the diner," he shrugs. I can tell by the way he said it that he is hiding something.

"Just us?"

"Nope," he pops the p.

"Then who with?" I start to panic. If it's with anyone other than his family I don't want to go.


"Harry grow some balls and fucking spit it out," I'm growing really angry.

"Becky, Ashley, Zayn, Kyle, Niall," he rushes out.

I blink. Why are we going with them? Why didn't he ask if I wanted to? I'm not liking this.

"Why wouldn't you tell me? Does it have something to do with this morning? I don't want to go, I-I can't do this," I panic.

"I didn't know until before school ended, we have to talk about this morning," he swallows nervously, he looks at my face and grabs my hand, "just relax and breathe."

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