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He pulls me so my back is against his chest, keeping one hand in my hair while the other arm wraps around my neck.

He hisses into my ear, "you fucking walk back home, pack your mother fucking shit and get out of my sight. You just tried to run from me, let's see if you can out run me. I'll give you 'till I get back from driving three laps around our block!"

He tightens his arm around my neck before letting go and pushing me forward, causing me to fall to the ground, landing on my left wrist wrong.

I scream out in pain as my wrist cracks and Mark kicks me in the stomach at the same time. Winded, I stand up, clutching my wrist in my other hand as I start to jog.

Three laps around our block.

Hurry up Bailey!

I reach the front door and barge through it, but I don't forget to lock it. I get into my room and grab a big bag from under my bed and set it on top of my bed.

My phone is on my bedside table so I grab that and go through my contacts to call Harry. I need to tell him what is happening.

When I press his name, it rings. And rings. And rings. He doesn't answer.

"Fuck!" I shout, pressing call again and putting it on speaker while I grab my charger and chuck it in the bag. 

I run to my window when I hear a car speeding down. To my horror, it's marks car. 1.

I pull open my draws and start shoving piles of underwear and bras in my bag, then move onto my jeans, tights, shirts and hoodies when I hear my phone beep, signalling he didn't answer.

I rush to press it again, bringing it with me as I run into my bathroom and throw random shit into my bag. This time when the phone call doesn't get answered, I leave a voicemail.

"Harry, god, it's Mark. He chased me down- oh god," I squeal as his car drives past again, 2. "Told me to pack my bags before he gets back, I'm probably going to get hurt. He was so angry," I hesitate before finishing with a quiet whimper, "I'm scared."

I end the voicemail and run to the kitchen, throwing in the little supply of snacks we have and grabbing the money on top of the fridge.

I don't care if I'm taking 'his' money, he doesn't deserve it. My bag is getting heavy and my wrist is aching. I quickly pack away the money I have in my room and zip up my bag.

I should be getting something else if I'm not coming back here in a while. I race into Parker's room and grab his teddy, unzipping my bag to put it in and zipping it back up. I look at the shattered window.

Should I go out that way? Oh god. Mark is going to see me any way I go. Speaking of the devil, here he is. 3. Violently pulling up out the front and not wasting time to slam his door closed and run to the front door.

He must forget that there is the smashed window because I wait until I hear him bash down the door till I climb out the window. I try to avoid the sharp glass that is still around the edges. A piece gets stuck on my left side and stabs into me, ripping my hoodie and slicing my skin.

I scream in shock more than pain. Bad move. I can hear his footsteps coming. Once I'm outside, I grip my bag over my left shoulder and I sprint.

I sprint and I don't look back.
I keep running until the sun is down.
I keep running until my legs give out.
I black out.

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