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"You know what Harry? Fuck you for bothering. Honestly, go back to Becky. You shouldn't be here with me, I don't understand," I run my hands over my face frustratedly.

Large hands peel my hands away from my face and I look to Harry who is squatting in front of me, but still manages to be taller, "I do understand, because I'm the one that wants to help you. I might never be able to explain it to you, but I know that I'm supposed to be doing this and that it's the right thing for me to do," he squeezes my hands and lets go of them, "you need someone in your life that will help you, and I'm here, okay? I'm here for you and I will help you when you need it. Don't even think about trying to push me away, and I don't want to blackmail you," he picks up my left wrist and shakes it as he speaks, "but you do this again, I will know and I will kiss you in front of the whole school, got it?" He drops my wrist.

I scrunch my face up, "Ew, why would you want to kiss me?"

"Didn't say I wanted to, didn't say I didn't want to" he winks at me and stands, "but seriously, if you ever feel like doing that again, you tell me, I'm here to listen, I don't want you hurting yourself anymore. And let's forget about the rude things I said and did to you. I'm sorry for that as well, I don't even know why I did it, that's so disrespectful of me. Stupid Becky, should never have hung around her. I'm an idiot. Do you want to punch me in the face? God, I would punch myself in the face. And-" I cut him off from his rambling.

"Shut the fuck up," I stand up.

"You forgive me?" He looks shocked.

"Didn't say I did, didn't say I didn't," I wink at him.

"But I do apologise, and you don't have to forgive me yet, I'm sorry," he says.

I just shake my head and start to walk away. I think about the time last year when Harry walked up to me and through his pudding at my face, I just walked away. All I do is walk away, like I'm doing now, although it isn't quite the same situation. I still feel weird about this, how Harry is going to help me. Maybe it's for the best?

"Do you want me to drive you home after school?" He calls.

I turn and walk backwards, "hm, no" when I try to turn the other way, my foot gets stuck under a stick and I fall, "oh fuck, you fucking stick!" I throw the stick away and when I look to Harry is laughing with his hands on his knees for support, I flip him off, stand up and make my way to my next class.

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