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"I don't want to anymore," I say in an anxious voice as I look down at the pool.

After I decided I would swim, Harry practically sprinted upstairs, forcing me to go with him. He went to Gemma's closet to get me a swimsuit since I didn't have one. I ended up in a black one piece, kind of showing too much of my butt and some of my cleavage. Harry on the other hand is wearing white swim shorts and we are both currently freezing, staring at the pool.

"C'mon, I'll hop in first," he says as he sits down and dips his legs into the pool.

"You just want to get into the warm water, pussy," I scoff.

He gets in all the way, his shoulders sticking out from the water, "that and I'll be in the water ready for you," he says as he pays the edge.

I move to sit down cross legged on the edge in front of him. "M'fuckin scared," I sigh out.

He puts his hands on my knees, "look, you need to believe in yourself a bit more. I think you can do it and you should think that too, okay?" I nod slowly, he moves his hands to the back of my knees and uncrosses my legs, "now get in," he pulls on my calfs.

I start edging closer to the pool, my legs in and my anxiety building up. I breath deeply in and out. Harry still pulling my legs.

When my butt is about to slip off the edge I start to panic, "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I pant out quickly.

Harry's hand is still pulling me, he is right in front of me so I put left hand on his shoulder. It hurts a little but I feel like it should be hurting more if I landed on it, maybe it put the bones back in place from the last time when I broke it.

My hand is on his shoulder, he moves his left arm around my waist and I'm in. I'm in. Oh my fucking god I'm in.

"Good job," Harry smiles softly as I place my other hand on his shoulder so I stay as far as I can from the water. He fixes his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, I'm in the water and I'm scared as hell, but," I look down at the water between us, "it's putting my head under."

"Alright. Do you want to do that? I just thought of getting you in here but if you don't want to put your head under, you don't have to," he tells me.

"N-no, I think I should," I nod, "just come under with me?"

"Of course, how do you think this is going to work though? Y'know, with you putting your head under and all, won't you freeze?," he questions.

True. "Probably, I don't know. If you don't recognise that I'm not frozen after a while, pull me up. Maybe hold onto me to start with. I'm not going under unwillingly, maybe I just need to concentrate on something," I look into his eyes.

"Well then, look at me, concentrate on me, or close your eyes and think of something else," he sticks out his tongue playfully, "whenever you're ready, deep breaths," he pulls me closer to him.

I feel like I'm about to explode, I'm scared shitless. I'm probably going to freeze and I don't want to. I need to move past this. But who would have thought I'd be here with the biggest dickhead in my life? He isn't really one now, but what if that's because he's acting? Feels bad for me?

After wrapping my arms around Harry's neck tightly I say, "okay I'm ready. Can you do a count down?"

He nods at me, "on three," heart is beating extremely fast, "one," I think I'm going to pass out, "two," holy fuck balls, "three!" I take a deep breath and close my eyes as Harry slides under the water with me.

I can hear my heart in my ears. Am I still holding onto Harry? I feel numb.

I froze. I know I did. I'm seeing black. But something feels weird.

I think of those incredible green eyes. The ones that told me to concentrate on him. So I do. I think and think and think. I try to push away the negatives and think of the positives with him. How kind he's been to me, how he's taking care of me, letting me stay at his house.

And when I realise that I am thinking straight and not acting how I normally would underwater, I open my eyes. I open them and see the very green eyes underwater looking at me. And he smiles so bright, but I get surprised at how my smile is even brighter than his.

I did it. I went underwater without freezing and it's all because of Harry.

I scream in excitement, letting bubbles flow out of my mouth. I look down and see that Harry is still loosely holding me but my arms aren't around him.

I practically tackle him underwater, making both him and I stumble deeper into the water. But it only takes a second for us to realise that our oxygen supply is running out so Harry pushes of the bottom of the pool and sends us to the top.

"Oh my fuckkk," I squeal and hug Harry tight, him doing the same with me.

"I'm so proud, you don't actually know," he grins from ear to ear, "I thought I lost you for a second down there."

I pull my face away from his neck to face him, "Well I was trying to concentrate," I flick his nose with my fingers.

He says a tiny ouch and before he could say anything else a voice interrupted, "well look what we have here," we look over to Gemma standing at the edge of the pool, "quality bonding time I see."

We look back at each other and realise we're clinging onto one another. My legs also went unnoticed when wrapping around Harry's hips.

We separate from each other and give awkward smiles. Is that, is that Harry Styles blushing?

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