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I honestly don't fucking care who the person is. They can end my life for all I care.

A few feet away from the tree I turned around. It was Harry. I should have expected that.

I continue to walk backwards as I say through my tears, "fuck off," he looks at the ground behind me and then skips a step to get closer.

All of a sudden my foot gets caught in something and I'm falling backwards. A hand wraps around my arm to hold me up.

I gasp when I'm pulled back to standing and I see Harry's face only I few inches away from mine. We stare at each other, his face tight and serious, until I look at his hand still gripping me. But what happens next makes me shocked and wanting to throw up at the same time.

He pulls my arm to the side of him, takes a step closer, swings both of his arms around my shoulders and pushes the back of my head gently so my forehead rests on his chest.

I sob at the gesture, and not wanting to put my arms around him, I lightly grip his shirt near his hips.

A hug.
When was the last time I had one?

He soothingly rubs my back and tells me "shh, just breathe, I've got you," quietly.

Once I settle down on my crying I get out of his hug and turn away to wipe at my nose and eyes. I put my hands on my hips and look up. What the hell was that?

"I'm sorry they did that, I told them not to but they did. That was too overboard and," I cut him off by shaking my head and holding up my hand to shush him.

I sit at the trunk of the tree and look down while I mumble, "I have no where to stay tonight."

"What do you mean?" He sits next to me.

"I'm probably going to get beaten to my death if I go home," I sigh.

"Well, ah" he rubs the back of his neck, "stay at mine?" He raises his eyebrows at me when I look up at him.

I shake my head, "no, that's something I couldn't do to you."

"I wasn't looking for that to be declined. Your staying at mine. Meet me here after school," he stands and wipes his jeans off, "don't stress about it, be excited and this day will finish sooner," and he is gone.

Staying at Harry's.
Should I just make a run for it?


I'm going with him, he offered, it's safer for myself.

I get up to go to class. Time flies after ignoring every single person and hiding in the bathroom at lunch. Soon enough the day is over and I'm walking to the tree to see Harry leaning against it on his phone.

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