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When I woke up on Tuesday, I walked back to my house before anyone was awake. I left a note on the kitchen bench, briefly apologising to Anne and telling them I've left.

School that day goes through fast, I barely see Harry, as well as Wednesday, Thursday and today. He's still hanging out with Becky and fucking Ashley tags alone too. Maybe he is staying with them so he can keep them away from me. Maybe he regrets letting me stay at his house Monday. Either way every time we see each other he discreetly nods at me with a faint smile which I return.

Ashley had a bruise and a cut on her face from the slap she received from me. I do not regret it. One. Fucking. Bit.

Haven't seen old mate Mark lately. His bedroom at home was all messed up but I could see things missing. He possible went for a trip to somewhere. Hopefully forever.

But that is hugely mistaken when I get home from school and he is sitting right there, on the couch, ready to pounce at me.

He stands up as soon as I step inside, marching his way towards me with a furious look that will be implanted in my brain for the rest of my life.

"Where the fuck were you Monday cunt, huh? You missed out on fun, I missed out on fun. Let's have some now!" He screams like a psycho.

He grips my wrist tightly and tugs me away while I scream no. He's taking me to Parker's room. I know it. We keep going down the hall way until we stop outside a door to a bedroom. Parker's bedroom.

"You can't do this to me! How can you be this cruel? I'm not even your own kid!" I scream at him as I try to pull away while he opens the door.

He turns to me and spits in my face, "exactly! You're not my fucking kid so I can do what I want!" He throws me in the room.

I put my hands out to catch my fall. I quickly look around the familiar room while my heart is pumping. I face Mark who is locking the door. No. I'm not staying in here, I'm not doing this.

As quickly as I can I stand up and don't waste a second to run for the window. I know how movies go. The girl runs from her killer over to the window, tries to pull it up but it's locked, then she dies. Blah blah. But not me. I don't stop to check if the window is locked. I keep running and I run straight through that window. Jumping out with my hands in front of my face to protect me from the glass.

Smashing of glass and the voice of Mark is what I hear as I get stabbed on various parts of my body and land on the grass after about five feet of being in air.

One could say I'm sore by this point.

I get to my feet and start running. I know he'll be after me. I scream out for help as I have a slight limp. Running for the house I need to get to, so close yet so far.

All is going well until I hear a car engine roar up towards. Then an all too familiar car stops on the road a few feet in front of me.

I turn around to make my escape again. I could run up to a house and knock until someone opens the door. But that's the thing. Knocking until someone opens the door. Time. Too much time wasted.

I could run onto the road in front of an on coming car. But I can't. The streets here are very deserted. Nothing is to good use here, and now the destination I was running for is the other direction.

I start screaming as I hear his running footsteps behind me. And I just about collapse as I'm yanked by the hair,

Pulled into the arms of doom himself.

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