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When I stand back up I look around. It is so crowded. Ashley is there, Harry is there. Not one eye in the hall isn't looking at us. At me.

"Got to hell" I mumble under my breathe.

Becky laughs. She laughs and everyone copies her.

"Honey, the only one that will be going to hell is you," she looks over my face, "if you can't defend yourself from whoever that was then you have no right to go to heaven"

How would she know that? Oh shit. I'm going to have cuts on my face from Mark. Now that I realise it, my stomach is sore from all the kicking.

She continues, "oh and you'd probably be willing to go to hell," she takes a step forward and yanks my left arm so she can roll the sleeve up, "if you're trying to murder yourself" she holds up my wrist but I'm left to shocked to do anything.

"Becky!" Harry half yells disapprovingly.

"Shut up Harry," she giggles, and so does everyone else.

How does she know? Ashley was the only one who saw them. I look at her and she has a tinge of guilt in her eyes. Was Becky her knew friend? No way, she wouldn't do that to me.

I then look to Harry. He had way more guilt in his eyes. He saw! He saw Ashley looking at them. But I feel like Harry wouldn't do that, he said he wanted to help.

I look back to Ashley and mouth why? She just shakes her head, looks down, looks back up and laughs with the crowd. No!

My only friend did this to me. She told queen bitch that I cut myself. I can't control the red that I see in my eyes.

I yank my wrist from barbie and walk away from her, eyes not leaving Ashley's. As I walk towards her, panic flashes her eyes.

Just as she is in reach, curly boy appears in front of me.

"Stop, Bailey. Stop," he begs.

I furrow my brows and look at him, raising my shoulders, as if saying why would I?

"Just don't, your not-" he gets cut off by Becky saying, "aw Harry, is this your new friends?" She pouts her lips. Harry grumbles another shut up.

I want to break Ashley's nose, but looking into Harry's eyes that are absolute begging me not to, I'll have to find another day to do it.

I sigh angrily and turn and walk away. Even with everyone shouting loser, you suck and pussy at me, I keep walking. Keep walking and walking until I get to the tree me and Harry we're at the other day.

"Fuck!" I scream and punch the tree. Bad decision. I try to shake the pain away.

"I don't think punching a tree will help" a deep voice frightens me.

"Fuck, fuck, shit!" I slide down the tree and put my head in my hands.

Why would she do this to me? That bitch. The one friend I had, so I thought. Now I have no one. Should have fucking cut deeper!

I look up at Harry and he gasps, what? I mumble, "you said that out loud"

I just blink, so what if I said it out loud?

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