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I sprint down the halls and to the girls bathroom. Once I'm in I go to the mirror and I look at myself. I look like a wreck, no wonder people make fucking fun of me.

I reach and turn the tap on to release the cold water. I bend over and splash the water onto my face, discarding the already ruined makeup.

And then I here someone come in. Not just anyone though. Harry Styles. Why the fuck is he in the girls bathroom you ask? I don't know!

I wipe my face on my dripping shirt and I don't even care if my makeup goes on it. I turn my whole body to Harry, giving him my full attention.

"Are you okay?" He says scratching his neck and looking away.
"Get the fuck out!" I say at the same time.

"Harry," I sigh, "you out of all people, well excluding Becky, should not be giving even a second of your time to ask how I am" I shake my head.

"Well I just-uh, um, saw your face and th-"

I cut him off, "and thought I was so ugly, yeah old news" I told my eyes.

"No no, your actually be-" he cut himself off as I raised an eyebrow, "the bruise" he stated the obvious and took a step closer to me and bent down to my level to inspect it. "Did someone do this to you?" He reaches up to touch my cheek but with my quick reflexes I lightly smack his hand away.

"No, you don't get to do that. What the fuck?" I run my hands through my hair in frustration. "For fucks sake Harry, get out. Go pick on someone else for the day, give me a god damn break! You can't just come in here acting like you care when you will just be the douche bag you are in a matter of minutes. I'm sick of it!"

Sick of it, ha. Now that I say it, I feel sick, great! When was the last time I ate, maybe one, two, not three, bingo four days ago! I've lasted long without throwing up this time.

"I'm sorry I can't help myself from caring that someone is getting beaten!" He throws his hands up.

"Don't make assumptions here! I can't help it if it's been like this forever!" I scream at him. I cover my mouth and my eyes widen along with his, at this realisation.

"Is that tr-" I don't let myself hear the rest of his sentence because I run to the toilet and let my very few items from my stomach get disposed of.

When I'm finished I washed my mouth out and hoped that Harry wasn't there but I was wrong.

"Harry just beat it and go back to your girlfriend" I wave him off.

"She's not my girlfriend and I don't want to go until you talk to me" he runs his hands through his hair.

I roll my eyes, "your in the girls toilets" my face remains blank as panic runs through his eyes.

"Follow me" he says and nods in the direction he's going.

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