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"So where are your parents?" I ask Harry as we sit down on his couch.

The diner was okay. We had small conversation, he paid for my meal I hardly touched because I didn't have an appetite. We spent just about an hour there, now we are at his house.

"They will be home later, in the mean time, what do you want to do?" He tilts his head at me.

I blow out air as I think of what we could do. He only lives a block away from me, and there is a beach only 10 minutes drive from my house.

"Could go to the beach? I don't know, up to you I guess" I shrug.

"Yeah that's cool, let's do that. Do you want to walk? Actually know we'll drive," He shoots up from the couch, "let's go!" He sings out.

We a peaceful drive to the beach, and once we get out, the sun is a few minutes away from setting.

I sigh with how calm it all looks. I used to run here to get away from home, always helped me.

I start walking so Harry catches up to my side. He looks around at the empty beach, then to the water. I'm not going near that.

Out of no where, he strips his shirt off, leaves it on the sand, looks at me, back to the water, back to me, takes a step towards me, I take one back, he grabs my arm, I try to yank it out, he smirks, he grabs my other arm, he throws me over his shoulder and runs.

"Harry you fucker! Put me down!" I say sternly.

"Nope," he laughs and runs faster. I hear splashing which means he is in the water.

"You put me down in this water, I will kick your dick up to your non existent brain!" I half scream.

"I shall do what I please with you," I can see that the water is about two inches above his knees.

"You-" I get cut off by my own scream as Harry pretends to drop me. "No, no, no, no, no!" I squeeze my eyes closed.

He pulls my body off his shoulder to in front of him which I automatically react to by wrapping my legs around him and putting my arms tightly around his neck.

My eyes are still closed when he puts his hands under my thighs to move me to a more comfortable position. I slowly open one eye to look at him, and when I see him smiling widely at me I open my other. He laughs.

"Do you not like they water eh?" He leans forward so my back is nearing the water.

"No," I squeak out, clinging onto him like my life depended on it, "and if I touch one little bit of it, I will kick your dick," I warn him while eyeing him.

He shakes his head while laughing. He leans back up and puts his hand on my back for support. I look at him and he is already staring at me deep in thought.

"What?" I ask softly.

He doesn't answer, instead he just turns around and quickly walks back to shore, gently putting me down.

He sighs and puts his hands on his hips, "I just, I think I would like," he looks at me and quickly says, "my dick kicked up to my non existent brain."

And with that I'm back over his shoulder while he is running back into the ocean. I'm screaming for him to put me down and that I'm not joking, whilst slapping his back not too hard.

He goes in deeper than before, I feel my legs getting wet and I have to lean so my head doesn't get in the water. Soon enough, the water is up to about his chest, my legs are definitely wet and the water is freezing.

"Harry, don't drop me in, I will-"

He drops me in.

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