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I will freeze.

That's what I was saying before Harry dropped me in.

By freezing, I mean that I won't move, the cold isn't bothering me.

I can feel the water move around me as I sink into it, but I can't see or hear anything.

It's because of a time when I went swimming with Ashley, a few weeks after my 13th birthday.


I haven't been swimming since before my birthday, and I don't want to either.

It was Parker's favourite thing to do, and I don't want to think about that. I don't want to think about anything that has to do with him, or even mother.

"C'mon Bailey, I can do a bigger bomb dive than you!" Ashley yelled as she jumped into her pool.

I slowly walked to the side of it, nerves filled my stomach and I don't know why. I know how to swim, why am I nervous?

I take a deep breathe to calm myself. Why do I feel like crying?

I jump in and try to do my best bomb dive, but once I get under the waters surface, I don't know what is happening.

It's like I'm dead. I can't move or see. It feels like I'm sinking to the bottom. I want to scream and move but I just can't.

Flashing images of Parker and I playing in the pool keep coming up in my head and I don't know how long I've been sinking down, but I can feel the water going down my throat.

Soon enough I feel arms hoist me up and the next thing I know is that I'm laying on the side of the pool coughing up water.

I've never been swimming since, but the same thing happened when I put my head underwater in my bath tub, I woke up on the couch.

End of flashback

I don't know how long I was actually under water until Harry put me over his shoulder and ran to shore.

He laid me flat on my back and put his hands on the side of my face, shaking me lightly.

"Oh fuck Bailey, what the hell!? Open your eyes!" He panics.

I don't open my eyes, I just move my left hand to rest on top of his and grunt.

"The fuck was that, trying to drown yourself?" He practically yells.

I sit up abruptly at that, opening my eyes and nearly head butting him.

"No! If you'd have fucking listened, I didn't want you to put me in there but you did!" I said back just as loud.

"Anyone could be saying no or stop, how was I supposed to know you were going to, uh, going to freeze when you got under?" He glares at me.

"I was literally a second away from saying that'll freeze!" I lean back so there is some distance between us.

"Why?" He asks softly, changing his mood.

"Take a fucking guess" I cross my arms but he gives me a look that makes me give up and just tell him, "my brothers favourite thing to do was swim. Only swam once after my 13th birthday, froze under water, he kept appearing in my head, couldn't do anything. Probably could have died, should have. Always gonna happen when I put my head under water, except for a shower obviously," I trace patterns into the sand.

His hand appears in my face as he offers me a hand to stand up. I hesitate before grabbing it, getting hoisted up to my feet.

"Let's go," he says, still holding my hand and walking up the beach.

That's what I like about him, he doesn't press me. He doesn't make me say more or feel uncomfortable. I don't know what happened to the old bully Harry, but I kind of like this one.

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