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I wake up in my bed with a pain in my cheek. Yep, just add a bruise onto the bruise that was on the bruise that was on the bruise, I could go all day. It's just a continuous beating I get all because they fucking died. At least he has a bit of kindness to carry me to bed.

My father should be thankful that we weren't killed. For fucks sake I remind him that we were lucky we didn't go first but the response I get was 'you should have went first not Parker'.

Parker was obviously and still is his favourite child. I mean what more could a father ask for than a son. It just aches my heart that my dad really doesn't give a shit about me. And the same time I wouldn't blame him. No matter how many times I say it, I'm a nobody.

I get up from bed and head to my bathroom that is connected to my room. I brush my teeth and tie my hair into a messy bun. I get dressed in clothes that say 'I don't really give a fuck what you think', well just a white shirt and black skinny jeans. I look at my face and realise the bruise is darker than usually so I add more makeup.

I know people can tell I cake the makeup on, that's only to cover up the bruises. I'm not ugly and my acne isn't bad enough that I have to cover it up. If I had no bruises I would choose no makeup, I actually think I look prettier without it.

I head downstairs and grab my white worn out vans. There is no sign of dad so I'm guessing he is at a bar spending all our limited dollars. I search through the kitchen to find some breakfast, but lucky me there was nothing. I sigh and head out of the door.

Arriving at school is like arriving in hell, what makes it worse is the walking I do to get there. I try to avoid everyone and I only want to find Ashley my best friend, but I couldn't.

The morning goes fast with the usually name calling and the spitballs I receive. I've found Ashley and we are heading to the cafeteria. Once we enter I look straight towards the table I want to avoid, they all sit laughing at something, probably me. Get food, leave. I remind myself.

Getting food went pretty smoothly until the biggest fucking bitch Becky calls my name.

"Bailey! Oh Bailey, here boy!" I turn around and she is smirking at me and coming my way. I grip my tray tighter expecting what will come next.

"You look a bit different today," she says in her irritating voice once she reaches me, "no actually, I think you tried to look better but it turned out worse," her whole table laughs. She reached out and touches my jaw and inspects her finger. "Yep, this is more makeup than our entire school wears. I think you need to remove it, it's against school policies to wear this much."

In one quick motion she takes this cap off of the water bottle I didn't even know was in her hand, and pours the water on me. It took my makeup off too, but that's the least of my worries if I look ugly or not. I have a massive fucking bruise on my face and a white shirt now showing my black bra more obviously.

I felt like crying because no one has seen my bruises, ever. Instead I gasp and cover my face with some of my damp hair and my hands occupied on the tray.

"You bitch" she raised an eyebrow at what I said. But what happened next she didn't see coming. I slammed my tray into her chest, spreading all the food around.

Everyone was shocked, I've never actually done something back. I look at the people with wide eyes and open jaws as Becky starts yelling words I block out. Everything seems to go slow motion as I look at her table and see Harry staring at me with the only pair of eyes with worry in them. Don't ask me where Ashley went.

I roll my eyes at him and time comes back as I storm out of the cafeteria, shedding a tear.

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