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Blink. Blink. Blink.

And I'm awake.

Taking in my surroundings, I don't know where I am.

I'm laying on grass, it's nighttime, few dodgy people walking around here and there, a car driving past once in a while, dimly lit street lights, quiet buildings. I must be out of town. I didn't think I ran that far.

My bag is next to my right arm, my injured left wrist is on my stomach. Blood is on my hoodie. Oh god, blood.

I gasp and shoot up into sitting position which I immediately regret. A sharp pain goes threw my side and I clutch onto it. I cut it but I didn't think it was that bad.

I try to get to my feet but I can't, my legs are burning with pain. I lay back down. I can lay here until I heal.

I reach out for my phone while still laying on my back. I pull it from the side pocket in the bag. I turn it on and get blinded by the brightness but my eyes soon adjust.


Oh my, how long was I knocked out for? There was no sun when I remember the last few minutes of running. Maybe I was only out for 1 hour, 2 hours. I'll never know.

My phones charge has gone down to 32%. I have notifications, lots of them. I scroll and scroll. That's a lot. Who from? The one and only Harry Styles.

3:10pm  3:11  3:13  3:16  3:20  3:44  4:12  4:48  5:28  6:54  7:31  7:33  8:35  9:14  10:18  11:41  12:42am

I think he was worried.

A sudden tiredness comes over me, I try to keep my eyes open while calling Harry, resting the phone on the ground to the left of my head.

"Bailey!" His voice sounds different, maybe like he was crying, "fuck, I'm so, so sorry. Are you alright? You haven't answered me, I called a lot. Did he hurt you? Oh fu-" I cut him off.

"Can you, can you come get me," I can barely speak, my throat is so dry.

"Yeah, yes of course. Where are you?" I can hear him walking.

I groan when I try to sit up again, "I don't know."

"Damn it, um is there any signs on buildings or anything?"

Looking around again I say, "I'm laying next to the side walk and I'm pretty sure there's a strip club across the road, um, 'Lacy Club' it's called."

"Woah, I think I know where that is. Woah!" He says more loudly, "why are you that far away."

"Just come, please. Hurry," I hang up not wanting to speak more because my throat hurts.

Harry is coming to get me. I'm away from Mark. He didn't catch me. He didn't catch me, oh my god. What would he have done? I'm free from him now but it would have been bad, so bad.

I don't know how long I'm sitting there for, but I start crying thinking about it.

When Harry parks his car and runs to me, he is immediately on his knees and trying to look for injury.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asks sounding panicked but keeps his voice soft. I nod and lift up my bruising wrist and he gasps when he sees what's under it.

"Did he stab you?" I shake my head, "come on let's go home," he stands up and extends a hand out to me but then changes his mind and gets me to my feet by lifting me under my arms.

Everything aches and when I start to lose my balance he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. Very close.

He reaches down to get my bag and slings it over his left shoulder. Together we take slow steps to the car until Harry is opening the passenger door and lifting me in, putting my seatbelt in place. He chucks my bag into the back seat and runs to the drivers seat.

Soon enough we are on the road and Harry soothingly places his hand on my knee to keep me awake, but my head is on the window and I'm out before I know it.

Hands touching my side wake me up and I wasn't expecting to find Harry inspecting my cut.

"Do you want to go to hospital? It doesn't look like a deep cut," he asks quietly and I reply with a quiet no. "Let's go clean you up inside then."

We get inside by Harry helping me. Now we are in the bathroom and my brain can't comprehend what we are doing so I stand and stare at Harry.

Suddenly, he moves towards me and puts his hand on my lower back and hooks his arm around the back of my thighs to lift me up onto the counter.

He steps back to grab things out of the draws then comes back to me, this time standing between my legs. He tugs at the bottom of my hoodie and looks me in the eye, silently asking if he can take it off.

I give a slight nod and he takes it off, carefully lifting my arm so it doesn't hurt my wrist. Then I'm left in my leggings and a tank top. He throws my discarded hoodie into the basket then moves back to face me.

With both look down at the cut, Harry was right, it's not deep. I rest my head against the mirror while Harry were a wipe and puts it on the cut. I hiss and squeeze my eyes closed.

"M'sorry," Harry says but I believe it means more than being sorry for this cut stinging.

I open my eyes, look at him and shake my head, "you don't have to be sorry."

He stops his movement on my cut, "Yes, I do. I should have an-"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward so I didn't have to take my head off of the mirror, "I don't care if you didn't answer the fucking phone, alright? What matters is that you actually came and got me and brought me here. You didn't have to, but you did. You're not the person wanting to hurt me or treating me like shit, okay? So if I hear you say sorry one more time, I swear to god Harry," I let go of his hand.

"Okay, I'm sorry- I mean no, it's just that, I was so, so worried. You weren't answering and that made me think something bad, really bad had happened, and I was panicking, I didn't want anything to happen to you. It would have been all my fault," he rushes out in a sad voice, his voice breaking in his last part.

He cares. He cares about me. If he didn't care then he wouldn't have been worried right? Someone cares about me. Someone cares about me and it's been a long time since someone did.

He puts his elbows on either side of my legs and drops his face into his hands. His curls slightly brushing my legs with their length.

I didn't expect myself to but I threaded my hand threw his hair at the back of his head, used my sore hand to lift his elbow up, moved so I was sitting on the edge of the counter and then wrapped my arms around his neck. Tightly. No space between us.

And he hugged me back, wrapped his arms around me tightly.

My hug had a lot of meaning to it. A thank you for everything type.

And here we were, two people hugging.

Two people that care about each other.

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