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The next day I didn't wake up, or the day after. All I saw was darkness. Is this my death? I hope so.

But when my phone starts ringing I realise it's not death.

My eyes flicker open and I groan with the light that's flowing in through my bathroom window. The bath tub is red, my neck hurts.

My cuts are getting small scabs on it but they haven't healed obviously.

I make my way to stand up and feel like I might just fall down with the dizziness in my head. But I do manage to get to my phone.

The reek of the smell nearly has me gagging, but I won't.

I answer my phone "hello?" I say.

"Bailey" Ashley sighs, "what the fuck you bitch!? You haven't been at school and then didn't answer my calls, I was worried. What happened?"

"Nothing, I um, have to get ready for school" and I hang up.

I look at my phone to see 6 missed calls from Ashley, and a text message from Ya boy Hazza.

Why is he that fucking stupid?

I listen to Ashley's voice mail, she was the person ringing me on Tuesday, she asked if I would come shopping. Oh yeah I totally fucking would with the money I have. The other voicemails was her asking where I was and if I was hurt.

I open the text message from Hazza.

Why weren't you at school?

He sent that Wednesday. It's Friday now. I'm glad he fucking left it at that.

I'm not going to answer him. Why the fuck would I?

Instead, I strip off my clothes, drain the bath and have a shower.

I'm not in the right state of mind, but I'm going to school. I can't risk being here in the day when my dad, no, Mark could be here.

I finish my shower and put a hoodie over my shirt and the usually skinny jeans. Then I head to school.

When I walk to the front of the school, Ashley is there waiting for me. When we are in arms length, she yanks my left sleeve up and gasps.

"Bailey you idiot" she says while looking at my wrist. She shakes her head.

She goes to speak but I cut her off, "please don't talk about it" I say while looking around.

Then my eyes connect with ones beautiful than all of me, and my mouth parts. He is standing with the hoe of the school and a few others. His gaze drops to my wrist where Ashley's still has my sleeve up. I yank it back down and tell Ashley to go inside already, without looking at Harry again.

Oh my god. He had to see it. Of course. Fuck!

"I made a new friend while you were gone" Ashley happily says.

"Oh. Really, who?" No amusement in my voice.

Before Ashley could say the name the bell goes, signal for us to get to class.

"Er, um I have class with her now, see you at lunch" she quickly says and speeds off down the hall.

I sit through my next two classes, ignoring everyone and everything until we get dismissed for lunch. Some kid in my class left a banana on the desk so I quickly ate that, and my lord it felt amazing to have food in my stomach!

As I walk to the cafeteria, not many people are around me. That is until I get tripped over by the foot with 4 inch heels. Becky.

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