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By the time Harry was opening the door to a room, I was choking on my sobs. I was trying to stop myself from crying, how ridiculous of me to cry over something this little. Poor Anne, she probably feels terrible!

"Heyyy," Harry says softly as he closes the door. He keeps walking until he sits on what I'm guessing is his bed, seeming as though I haven't looked up.

I'm now sitting on his lap with both my arms wrapped around his neck and my tears still soaking his shoulder, his arms around my waist.

"Look at me Bailey, please," the desperation in his voice makes me do so. I pull my head back and meet eye contact with his green ones. "Tell me why, why are you crying?"

I laugh softly and wipe my eyes, "I don't know."

He sends me a small smile, "was it something my mum said?"

"No, well yes but no. She didn't do anything wrong, oh god I have to tell her. M'so embarrassed, fucking baby I am."

"What no, you're not a baby, far from it. You're one of the strongest girls I know," he tells me seriously.

"Oh stop it," I say as I put my head back on his shoulder.

"What? Don't like my complements?" He chuckles.

I groan, "no, I actually don't. I should just go anyway, I don't deserve to be here," I start getting off of him but only make it to putting one foot on the ground before he basically throws me on the bed and hovers over me with his hands either side of my face.

"Stop with your shit Bailey, you have every right to be here, be treated like this. And especially after how I've been treating you over the years, I owe it to you," he wipes an escaping tear with his thumb, then moves my hair behind my ear.

I bring my hands up to the side of his face, touching his curls that are dangling at the sides. I pull them a bit, seeing how far they stretch. Harry thinks I'm fascinated with his hair until I push it into his face, making his cheeks squish up and his lips go like fish.

I giggle when he groans, escaping from underneath him while I can and grabbing a pillow. Now that his face is free from my hands, he fixes his hair and looks at me.

"Bailey, put the pillow down," he tries to stay serious but can't hold back the smirk, "I'm seri-" he doesn't get to finish when I slam the pillow in his face, knocking him onto his back.

"Stop with that nice talk," I say, acting irritated but I hope he takes it as a joke.

He tried to say "no" but it is muffled by the pillow.

I'm sitting with my legs either side of his waist, his hands on my wrists that are holding the pillow down. He could easily get it off me, I'm not putting enough strength into it that it's suffocating him.

"Say you will stop giving me complements," I tell him.

He says another muffled "no."

"Well then we are going to be here for a while, huh?" I sit down on him instead of hovering, pushing the pillow down harder so he takes it as the signal to surrender.

"Fine, fine! I won't give you anymore complements," he yells through the pillow.

I take the pillow off of his head and throw it to where it came from. His face is slightly red and his eyes are closed. I simply stare at him, feeling something I don't want to feel in my stomach.

"Stop staring," he calls me out.

I can feel my cheeks shade red as I shake my head and try to get out of his grip on my wrists but he yanks me so our faces are a few inches apart.

He peels his eyes open and smiles up at me, "get off me and I will bring us some food. I'm sure you don't want to see anyone right now and I'll tell mom she's did nothing wrong, just for you."

"Thank you," He let's go if my wrists and I get off of him.

A few minutes later, Harry and I are sitting on his bed watching some tv show, eating mac and cheese.

Out of no where Harry asks, "so your 18 now right, why can't you ditch your dad and move somewhere else?"

I put my fork down and look up to the ceiling, "it's not a bad idea but I just can't. I have no where to go and how would I even last?"

Harry hums and takes another bite of food, "you could always stay here, at least some nights, not move in. Don't have any relatives you could live with?"

I shake my head, "they all live far away, too much effort."

We chat for a while until Harry has a shower, he offers me one but I decline. He comes back out in track pants and a plain white shirt, holding a few blankets.

"Jump in bed and get settled, I'll sleep on the floor," he sets the blankets on the floor and grabs a pillow.

"Harry no! You can't sleep on the floor, I will," I suggest but he shakes his head, "fine, you sleep on the floor, I sleep on the floor," I jump up from the bed and grab a blanket.

"Ah, don't do that. You're the guest, you sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the floor," he whines.

I glare at him, "I know you don't want to sleep on the floor, so either we both get in that bed or I'm leaving and that's final," crossing my arms I challenge him.

"Fine," he kicks the blankets and puts the pillow back, hopping under the sheets on one side of the bed.

I make my way to the other side and get in. Harry turns off the tv and the lamp that was on his side. We lay in silence, both on our backs, our breathing the only sound.

"Thanks for letting me stay, Harry," I whisper. The sheets move and I'm assuming he moved to face me.

"Happy birthday Bailey," he whispers back.

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