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"I fucking hate you," I mumble to Harry as we walk into the diner. He had to pull me out of the car.

"That's harsh," he puts his hand on his heart.

"This is harsh," I look at the group we are heading to, sitting at a booth and staring at us walking towards them. We reach their booth and stand awkwardly at the end, Niall smiles awkwardly at us.

"Hey guys, take a seat," Niall says gesturing towards the empty spot. The booth is in the corner so Niall is on one end then Zayn, Kyle, Becky so she can still be the centre of attention, Ashley and now Harry and I sitting across the table from Niall and Zayn.

The extreme level of discomfort I am in has me squirming in my seat. Harry quickly squeezes my knee to comfort me, it only lasts a second so he doesn't get caught doing it.

I look around and everyone is staring at me, "what?"

"Oh," Becky says innocently as she grabs her milkshakes straw and swirls is around, "we just wanted to talk about you and Haz."

I internally cringe at her use of Haz, "what about us?" I scrunch up my face.

"You guys are the talk of the school," Kyle starts, "but we want to talk more about before you guys got close."

I look at Harry who is looking down at his hands, so is Ashley and Niall, Zayn is staring at me but differently to the way Kyle and Becky are. I was about to ask why when Harry cuts in.

"No! You guys didn't say anything about this! We're leaving," he grabs my wrist and practically pulls me up. I'm really confused but I get out of the booth anyway.

"We dared Harry to kiss you," Becky quickly says before we can leave the booth.

I look at her with wide eyes while Harry sucks in a breath, "that's right Bailey. After we saw you two talking at the tree ages ago, we came up with the dare. It was practically that Harry had to kiss you within the time we gave him, spend time with you and all, otherwise we were going to send a very disgusting letter to his mother that would want to make her get rid of Harry," she starts smirking, "so, the only reason Harry has been associating with you is because of the dare, he doesn't care about you or any of that sort. He was with us, he agreed to it, he knew what he was getting into."

I don't know whether to believe her, but it seems pretty true from the guilt on Harry's face. I look at him in disgust.

Kyle talks again, "you can move on with your life now, so can Harry. You're just a depressed loser that deserves to die," he chuckles.

"You can also realise that no one cares about you and no one ever will so get the fuck out of here and don't talk to Harry anymore, like you are even that close with him," Becky hisses like a snake.

I can't believe this is happening. I look around at everyone once more before sprinting out of the diner. I can hear yelling but it's going in one ear and out the other.

I keep running. I can't believe this if it's true. It has to be true. And he kissed me at the party, that was set up. Oh my god. That could have been the photo on my locker.

I told him everything and I really thought he wasn't the boy that bullied me since the day he came here. He was acting as someone he wasn't and I believed him. I can't believe he would do this, he started this by agreeing to do the dare, agreeing to help me. How can I be so stupid?

I hand wrapping around my wrist stops my thought as I turn around. Harry is on the verge of tears as he looks at me. I don't want him to speak.

"No Harry! I've heard enough. You didn't have to agree to the dare but you did. Fuck! I thought you actually cared about me, liked me! I'm such an idiot and you should be an actor," I bark out a laugh.

"Bailey listen to me, please! Everything that happened between us was real. They are horrible, horrible people. I do care about you, just, just let me explain!"

"You are one of those horrible people! I shouldn't give you the chance to explain."

He keeps trying to come up with words to say but I can't take it anymore so I scream my words to him.

"You don't know my struggles, my feelings, anything! You don't know me, it was all your dumb act of innocence that I fell for for a split second. But no, I'm over it, I'm only the 'depressed loser that deserves to die' after all. You are the one that started all of this, don't forget that! You were with them and you are one of them! You don't see what is happening to me, never have, never will. Go live your own fucking life and stay out of mine Harry, I'll see you in another life because I might not make it to tomorrow."

With one more look at the eyes I started falling for, I left. I didn't want to see nor speak to anyone, for the rest of my life.

And that was the bad thing. I started to like Harry more than a friend, now I feel like the most stupid person in the world for everything. For talking to him, opening up, staying at his house, showing him my weakest moments, liking him.

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