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I stare blankly at the water beneath my dangling feet. I have a million thoughts going through my head, all about Harry.

He said yes to the dare, to kiss me or else his mother would get a disgusting letter.

He could have told Anne about the letter, not accept the dare and not kiss me or he could have told me about the dare and I would have put some thought into it before letting him kiss me.

But I feel used. He didn't tell me and everything feels fake. All this time spent together, did he really not care about me and was just waiting for a time to kiss me.

"Fuck!" I scream out. It echoes through the open air.

I'm currently sitting on the edge of the cliff at the beach near what was my house. I'm contemplating whether to jump off or not but I can't decide when I'm feeling nothing, absolutely nothing.

I close my eyes and lay on my back with my feet still dangling. I feel a presence behind me and a shadow go over my closed eyes. It could be nothing but something told me to open my eyes.

When I do I shoot straight up but an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me a few feet off the edge.

"Fuck off!" I scream at the far to familiar boy.

"No! You are going to let me talk and you're going to sit there with your mouth shut until I'm finished!" Harry says seriously. I scoot away from him and nod my head.

"Wait," I forgot to ask him something, "how did you find me?"

"You've been gone for a while, practically looked everywhere and when I was about to leave here I heard you scream out," he shrugs.

"So, when I said yes to the dare, I didn't really think. I thought about my mother and what letter she would have got. But after I said yes I figured it would be a good thing, for us," he looks at me when I scoff, "think about it Bailey, they wouldn't have been suspicious of us hanging out or talking so much because they thought it was for the dare."

"But Harry, it doesn't make matter. If you didn't do the dare you would have still talked to me, right?" He nods his head, "then why wouldn't you tell me about the dare?"

"I didn't tell you because I thought it wouldn't have mattered, except for the kiss part."

I stand up, "so you thought you'd kiss me when you knew someone would get evidence and think I wouldn't find out about it? That's great," I start walking off.

"No, no Bailey stop," he grabs my wrist and turns me around, "I'm being honest when I say I forgot. I even told you I wanted to help you and that was before they asked me to do the dare. Someone taking a photo was just a coincidence, that's why I was mad this morning, on your locker was a photo of us kissing," I knew it, "you have to believe me Bailey."

"If the kiss wasn't for the dare, then why did you kiss me?" I breathe out hard.

"Why'd I kiss you?!" He yells, "Bailey, I thought it was fucking obvious!"

"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

"Bailey," he runs his hands over his face in frustration, "I like you. I like you more than friends should."

I stare at him in utter shock. He likes me in that kind of way. No way.

I back away from him and shake my head, "no."

He walks slowly towards me, "yes, I do."

"No! You're just saying that so I believe what you said about the dare. What could someone ever like about me?" I scoff.

"I like your smile, I like your humour, your laugh, I could keep going," I shake my head but he ignores me, "I like your soft side that you try to hide, I like how you've opened up, how far you've come, how beautiful you are, I like so much more. I like you."

I can't believe this, I run my hands over my face. I do believe him because I've built trust for him. I still can't believe he didn't tell me about the dare, but maybe he was right by not telling me. Fuck this is frustrating.

I think I need to see his reaction to what I'm about to say. If there's a slight hesitation in the reaction, then he's lying or he's genuinely surprised, but I can figure out the difference.

I look at him dead in the eyes, his saddened expression with a small soft smile, "I like you too."

He's smile brightens, crinkles around his eyes. He sprints towards me and picks my up around my waist and spins my in a circle.

"Do you actually?" He asks while he's still holding me with my hands on his shoulders.

Do I actually like him or did I just say that to get a reaction out of him? No I definitely like him.

"Yes, I do," I smile small at him.

He keeps his arms around me while he puts me down, "why, tell me why."

"Well," I swallow, "you, you make me feel happy... A small part of me feels like I'm not worthless when I'm with you, your very caring and I'm grateful for that, you make me laugh, I like how-"

I get rudely cut off by Harry smashing his lips into mine, one of his hands on my waist and the other on the back of my neck. I don't protest though so I put one hand on his sharp jaw and the other at the nape of his neck.

I'm most certain if Harry was lying and didn't actually like me I wouldn't get this reaction out of him.

He breaks the kiss and I rest my hands on his chest while his arms are loosely around my back, he rests our foreheads together, "if I nearly lost you because of that, I'm done with them. Becky and all of them, I'm done, I hate them. If they were my friends they shouldn't have made me do a dare like that, bringing my mother and you into it."

"Harry," I breathe out, "you've done too much for me."

"Bailey," he squeezes his arms that are around me, "I'd do anything for you."

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