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"Are you sure this looks alright?" I ask Gemma as I stand in front of the mirror, looking at myself.

She gave me an off the shoulders long sleeve black tight top, buttons down the middle, tight high waisted denim ripped jeans and black boots that give me an inch more in height. My hair is down and straightened, little bit of makeup. I feel alright.

"You look so damn hot!" She claps her hands, "let's go show Harry!"

She grabs my hand and practically runs downstairs. I got informed that Robin and Anne are already at a get together with old friends. Harry is leaning against the kitchen counter on his phone when we get downstairs.

He's wearing a black see through shirt, black skinny jeans and his usual brown Chelsea boots. He looks fucking hot. Fuck, why am I thinking that?

He looks up from his phone with a smile when he hears us. But his smile drops when his eyes land on me. I look bad, I knew it.

"Do I look fucking ugly or something, is that why your looking at me like that?" I cross my arms over my chest.

He opens he mouth then closes it, then says, "n-no you look great." He eyes me up and down.

"Cool, thanks. Can we go now?" I walk towards the front door, "thanks Gemma, see you later," I wave at her and exit the house.

Harry follows me out and heads to his car, quickly opening the passenger door for me before running to his side. I shake it off. The drive is silent until we are pulling up to a house with lots of cars parked out the front and blaring music.

"Let's go," Harry smiles at me and waits at the front of the car for me.

We walk to the already open door, inside is crowded. Harry grabs my right hand and pulls me through the crowd. We end up in the kitchen where there is punch, probably spiked, a couple making out and trash everywhere.

Harry lest go of my hand and grabs two plastic cups before grabbing the vodka and pouring it into the cups. I grab a cup, toss my head back and down it. The familiar taste burning my throat.

Harry frowns at me, "hey! I was going to mix it with this," he holds up a can of some raspberry soda.

"Hm," I grab the other cup and down it before slamming it on the kitchen bench, "okay, now mix it," I give him a goofy smile.

"Fucking crazy," he mumbles under his breath and I punch his arm.

Once he's finished, we grab our drinks and walk around still holding hands. If I wasn't holding his hand, I'd probably get crushed by one of these giant dudes.

Harry stops and in front of him is Niall. Him and Harry do the 'bro' hug and turn to me. "This is Bailey, Bailey this is Niall," Harry states the fucking obvious.

Niall and I both say 'I know', his in a friendly way but mine in a way that makes Harry playfully glare at me.

"How are you Bailey?" Niall asks.

"I'm fine I guess?" I say more as a question.

Niall laughs, "catch ya later," and he's gone. Cool. Great chat.

Harry looks at me, "what do you want to do?"

I shrug, "are there any games?"

"Should be somewhere," and we start searching for some kind of game until we come across beer pong.

"You two holding hands," a guy who is pointing to us says, "your up next, let's go!" Everyone cheers.

"You better be good at this," Harry says as he lets go of my hand and ruffles my hair.

I gulp the rest of my drink, "I should be saying the same for you, your lucky I'm on your team!"


Harry is very lucky I'm on his team, otherwise he would be so drunk. We've played three rounds and won each time thanks to me.

"Let's go dance," I tug on Harry's arm, now sick of this game.

"Okay," he laughs at me.

I pull him to the dance floor and start dancing to the beat, but then I stop, "are you driving us home?"

He opens his mouth in an o shape, "I've had too much. Maybe I should start with water now," he pulls out his phone and puts it back in his pocket, "it's only 10:55, I can probably reach the driving limit by sometime around twelve."

Blah blah. I got bored when he said too much. I start dancing again with my back to Harry. After a minute I turn around and he's not there but I keep dancing anyway.

A few minutes later I feel hand's on my hips and a body pressed against my back. Because I'm thinking it's Harry, I lean back into the person. I only look up at the guy after about a minute and see it's not actually Harry. It disappoints me and disturbs me at the same time.

I try to take a step back but the dude pulls me back into him again. I don't waste any time in elbowing the side of his face and soon he is walking off yelling 'fuck you'.

Another hand gets placed on my hip but it's a familiar one. I turn to him, "what was that?" His voice serious as he questions me.

I shake my head, "just an asshole but it's whatever," I shrug, "now dance with me."

In a quick motion I turn myself around and pull Harry's arms around my waist, also managing to pull him against my back. He breathes out a 'fuck' as I do so.

I start dancing along and so does Harry. When a more upbeat song starts playing, Harry puts his hands on my hips while I lean my head back and wrap my arms around his neck, putting my hand in his hair.

Harry pushes up against me more without even realising it, but I'm drunk and loving it. We slowly start to move our lower regions together, both too caught up in the moment.

I turn around and we are flush together, my arms still around his neck and one hand gripping the back of his head. He rests his forehead on mine and pants. He's got one arm on my lower back pushing us together and the other moves up to cup my jaw. Sparks are flying in my stomach.

"I," he pauses, "why do I feel like kissing you?"

I suck in a breathe and look at his lips then back to his eyes, "well, why aren't you?"

His eyes widen at what I just said. He looks down to my lips and back to my eyes a few times before smashing our lips together.

Fuck. I close my eyes and cup his face. This is really happening. I kiss him back until he is pulling away and grabbing my hand to lead me out the front.

Once we get outside and walk along the side of the house for a few steps, Harry basically slams me against the brick and is attacking my lips with his.

We are roaming our hands everywhere. His hands ending up with one in my hair and the other on the side of my neck, mine gripping his shirt to pull him closer.

He slips his tongue into my mouth and mine dances with his. I swear this isn't real because it feels so good and it shouldn't.

He pulls apart and rests his head on my shoulder. We are both panting like we've just been on a mile run. He laughs and pulls back, quickly kissing the corner of my mouth.

"Ready to go home?" He asks.


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