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I excuse myself to the bathroom after Harry finishes his talk, when I come back the doctor comes in and checks on me.

Soon enough Harry and I are heading out with silence, Anne is already in the car waiting. I get in the car saying a quiet greeting to Anne, Harry not sure whether to sit in the passenger seat or the back seat.

He chooses the back seat, both of us sitting separated by the middle sit. I know he wants to comfort me right now and a part of me wants that to, but I just can't, not right now.

As we drive back home, I look out the window, Harry mirroring me. I just want my family back to normal. I want my mother, a father, my brother. I could have had two of those if I didn't wake up. I wish I didn't wake up, everything is against me.

First everyone important dies, and I'm left with a man I thought was my father. A bully comes into my life. I kept the death to myself and in the mean time I got abused by Mark. My best friend stabbed me in the back, fucking Becky and Ashley. Harry wants whatever this is between us to happen. I want to die but I never do. What is this life?

What is the point?

While my thoughts didn't seem very long to myself, I must have been in very deep thought because we are back home and Harry is tapping my shoulder. When I turn to him he has his door open and Anne is already unlucky the front door to the house.

I blink a couple of times then exit the car, walking next to Harry as his hand is at the small of my back, barely touching it as if he doesn't know if he should.

Anne locks the door once we are in and tells us to get some sleep before heading to her room. Harry turns to me, "you need anything before we head to bed?"

I shake my head, "I just wanna sleep," I shrug my shoulders.

Harry starts walking to his room so I follow, we get in, he turns the lights on and he closes the door behind us. I walk over to my bag and blink rapidly to try and keep my eyes open. I grab my oversized shirt while Harry walks into his closet, I quickly get changed into it and my shorts then get under the sheets.

Harry comes out in his pants, no shirt, turns the lights off, leaving only the bright light from outside to come in the window. He gets under the sheets and lays on his back as well.

You can feel the tension.

He clears his throat quietly before speaking, "do you want to speak?"

I can feel myself moving towards him against my will.

My voice cracks, "no."

It's hard to explain, but it's like something clicked and we got pulled to each other. Bodies reaching for each other.

His right hand plants itself in between us and my left quickly links with it. He's pulling us both into the middle of the bed. He's left arm loops around my waist and he lets go of my hand so he can wrap his other arm around me. I'm putting my arms around his neck and holding him so tight. He lays on his back and my head goes in his neck on the left side of his face. I'm practically half on him. We stay there squeezing each other for a while. Holding each other.

He threads his fingers through my hair and mumbles, "what are you doing to me Bailey?" And turns his head so his nose nudges my ear.

I lift my head up and turn to him, "what am I doing to you? What are you doing to me?"

He removes his hand and puts it on the back of my neck, "guess we both don't know," he face growing closer to mine, "don't know if I like it or not," his eyes search my face and look at my lips for a second longer. I stare at him and his sparkling eyes. They are shining with something.

His lips barely graze mine, "I'm tired," I whisper.

"Me too," he raises his eyebrows but then his eyes move back down to my lips.

"Harry," I say barely audible, "what are you doing?"

He looks back at me with confusion, "I don't know, should probably stop," he removes his hand from my neck.

I put my head on his right shoulder and carefully wrap an arm around his waist, "just, go to sleep," I close my eyes.

"Okay," it's silent after that.

Until, I hear and feel his lips kiss the top of my head and him saying, "I'm fucked."

Your fucked Harry?
No, no, no.

I'm fucked.

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