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Jimin was so happy when he found out Yoongi would be going. Jimin felt all warm and happy inside, his heart was beating fast in the best way ever. Jimin didn't understand what the feeling meant. They'd know each other for a little over two months now. Jimin wanted to say that they were close but he had an urge to get closer to him.

"I have two weeks to not make it awkward between me and Yoongi hyung when we meet" he smiled to himself.

"Who's Yoongi hyung, Jimin?" Jimin froze and turned around slowly.

"I don't remember you bringing him up before" his mother questioned him.

Jimin's mother was always so over protective of Jimin, because he's so delicate. His cute chubby cheeks, small hands, his height, his adorable smile. Everything. His mother didn't like him have social media or a phone at all. But she needed to give him something so that he wouldn't get bullied.

"Oh... umm.. Yoongi hyung is a... new friend from school, he recently got transferred and we've become really good friends and next Friday I'm goi- going to his house?" Jimin tired to make something up and the last part not like a question.

"I haven't met him, so how do I know how he's like to let you go, anything could happen Jimin" his mother said seriously.

"Namjoon's going" Jimin said quickly.

His mother sighed, "if Namjoon's going to be there then I guess it's okay, but you need to text every so often so I know that your ok, okay?" His mother said seriously making him nodded happily.

"I will don't worry mother, thank you" Jimin said happily and his mother left his room.

Jimin made sure she was gone before he let out a long sigh, "that was close".

He went back to his bed and grabbed his phone. He unlocked it and went on Snapchat to text Yoongi.

I nearly got caught!!


Oh.. ummmm..
never mind
I can still go
next Friday^^
Are you still

Even if I said
no you or Jackson
would find me and
drag me there so my
answer is yes.

I'm so happyyyy
Oh I have to go
my mums calling
me for dinner I'll
talk after^^

Yeah, ok sure

Jimin read the message and then shut his phone off and headed down stairs for dinner.

Meanwhile Yoongi was over in his apartment reading the first message Jimin had sent him today.

"What do you mean you nearly got caught?" He asked himself.

Yoongi may have known Jimin for a while now and they talk everyday but he feels like there's a lot more from what Jimin is telling him. He knows that he's a good student he has good grades, he studies hard, he get grounded if he gets into trouble in or out of school but majority of time he was a good boy. He knows about his friends: Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung and Jungkook. He knows that Jimin thinks that Namjoon and Jin are together and so are Jungkook and Taehyung leaving Jimin fifth wheeling which made Yoongi laugh a bit when he found out. But there was something that he felt that Jimin wasn't telling him.

"I have just have two weeks before the party so I'll get more information out of him there and in between" Yoongi smiled to himself.

"Now who are you stalking?" He heard a familiar annoying voice behind him.

"None of your business horse face" Yoongi spun around in his chair.

"Well you better not be getting into trouble like usual because I'm not helping you get out of it this time" the boy said.

"You still do anyway Hoseok, I'm just worried about my friend" Yoongi admitted.

"Which one? I thought I was the only one you had as well as Jackson" Hoseok tried not to laugh.

"Shut up! He's someone I'm meeting at Jackson's party, Jackson was the only that gave me his snapchat" Yoongi started which got Hoseok's attention.

"I'm just worried I guess" Yoongi said straight after.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, you don't mind listening do you?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't mind at all, tell me" Hoseok said in a less loud and more calmer voice and sat on Yoongi's bed while Yoongi stayed in his spiny chair.

"You see..."


First Uploaded: 20/10/2018
Edited: 19/11/2018

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