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The two boys smiled brightly and happily before hugging each other. They both had butterflies exploding in their stomachs from excitement. After a few minutes they pulled away from the hug.

"I love you so much Jimin" Yoongi smiled softly.

"I love you so much too" Jimin returned the soft smile.

Before anything else was said between the new couple there was a knock at the door revealing the doctor.

"We're here to get you ready for your surgery Mr Min" the doctor said and Yoongi nodded in response.

The doctors went over everything they would be doing and all the risks as well. That part made Jimin nervous. There was a low chance that something would go wrong that reinsured them both.

They prepared Yoongi for the surgery and Jimin walked down with them until he wasn't allowed to go further.

"I'll see you soon" Jimin kisses the top of Yoongi's head making him smile.

"I'll see you soon" and with that they took Yoongi through to the room.

Jimin walked back to the waiting room to see his friends and tell them the good news about him and Yoongi.

"Someone's happy now" Jungkook said tiredly.

"Yeah, Yoongi had woken up" Jimin smiled before taking a seat next to Taehyung.

"What do you mean he had?" Jin asked confused.

"He's having the surgery to repair the muscles around his heart but guess what" Jimin said trying to hold back his excitement.

"What?" They all asked in sync.

"I may have a boyfriend" Jimin said and they all were so excited.

"So you and Yoongi are official?!" They all asked and Jimin offed in excitement.

"We need a couple name for then" Jin said and they all nodded but Jimin was confused.

"What do you mean couple name?" He asked confused and curious.

"Well for me and Namjoon it's Namjin, for Kookie and Tae it's Taekook, so now we need one for you and Yoongi" Jin explained and Jimin nodded.

"What about.... Yoonmin?" Namjoon suggest and the two youngest agreed making Jimin agree.

Jimin was so happy that all this was happening. Now that he had told his friends he was now focused on Yoongi getting through this surgery with our any problems that could occur.

The surgery took a good few hours and Taehyung and Jin has fallen asleep, Jungkook was resting his head on Taehyung's dozing while Taehyung's head was on Jungkook's shoulder and Namjoon was reading a book he found on the book shelf making sure Jin was comfortable every once in a while.

The doctor soon came back through to the waiting room again. Before he said anything though he saw that most of the boys were sleeping.

"Mr Min is out of his surgery, you may go see him" the doctor whispered so that he didn't disturb the others sleep.

Jimin nodded and left Namjoon with the others. Jimin made his way back to Yoongi's room seeing him sleeping. Jimin could see the big white plaster that was placed on Yoongi's chest.

He sat back down in the chair waiting for Yoongi to awake but while waiting he too fell asleep in the chair.


Uploaded: 08/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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