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Yoongi weakly and shiveringly put Jimin's number in his phone and called it.


Jimin was focusing on his weaknesses in English when his phone started ringing. He didn't recognise the number but something inside told him to answer.

"Hello?" He asked.

"J-Jimin" he heard a deep, weak voice on the other side of the line.

"Y-Yeah?" He stuttered from hearing his name.

"I-it's Y-Yoongi" the voice said on the other side of the line breathing heavily.

"Yoongi?! What's wrong?! Why do you sound so weak?!" Jimin asked as panic started to rise in side of him.

"J-Jimin s-stay away f-from-" Yoongi was cut off.

Jimin's eyes widened as the call got cut off. He tried ringing again and again but he got no answer. He started panicking. He didn't know where Yoongi was, what happened or who he wanted him to stay away from. He guessed probably Kai but he was so worried.

Jimin then heard and saw an ambulance with sirens on going passed his house heading towards where the river was. Jimin wasn't sure if what it was for Yoongi but he panicked more. He felt terrible, he couldn't do anything because he didn't know where Yoongi was or if he went out and his parents saw him then Jimin knew he definitely would never see Yoongi ever.


Hoseok was still sat on the sofa when he got a call from Yoongi.

"Are you on you way ho-" Hoseok was cut off by Yoongi.

"H-Hoseok, he-help ple-please" Hoseok's eyes widened as he heard his best friends voice.

"Yoongi where are you?" Hoseok's voice went serious and he started getting ready to go out.

"R-river and am-ambulance p-please" Yoongi voice got quieter and quieter before the line went silent.

"Yoongi? YOONGI ANSWE ME NOW?!" Hoseok shouted down the line.

When he got no answer he hung up and called an ambulance to go to the river. Hoseok ran down to the river not caring if it was slippy. As he got closer he saw something in the snow and as he got closer his eyes widened.

"YOONGI!!" He shouted as he ran up to him.

Yoongi didn't respond. He was unconscious, cold and bleeding. Hoseok had seen Yoongi beaten up before but only small cuts and a few bruises but nothing like this.

In the distance he heard sirens and an ambulance soon came into view.

"OVER HERE!!" Hoseok shouted and the paramedics ran over to him.

They treated Yoongi as much as they could but needed to take him to hospital. They put Yoongi on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance. Hoseok got in the back with one of the paramedics. He looked at Yoongi seeing an oxygen mask on him and how beaten but peaceful he looked.

The paramedic asked Hoseok few questions about what happened but Hoseok himself had no idea.

Soon they arrived at the hospital and they took Yoongi into a room where they treated his cuts. He had to have stitches at the right side of his head just where his hairline started.

Once that was done and everything was cleaned they put him in a room where the heaters were on so that his body could warm up. Hoseok entered and took his coat off from how warm it was but it was helping Yoongi get back to his original body temperature.

It took three hours for Yoongi to wake up and when he did Hoseok was already asking him questions.

"What happened? Are you ok? Why have you been beaten? Why were you in the snow?" Hosok stopped at the questions for Yoongi to answer.

"God you really want answers geez. 1) I was obviously beaten.  2) I'm fine just sore. 3) I went to this persons house. 4) they dumped me in the snow" Yoongi answered surprising talking right after he woke up.

"Yoongi, wh-" Hoseok was cut off.

"Ah Mr.Min you're awake" the doctor said coming into his room.

The doctor told him about what he did by stitching his head and cleaning the cuts. He also told Yoongi to stay somewhere warm for a few days so that his body temperature would go back to normal in no time. After the doctor said all that Yoongi was discharged.

When they got home Yoongi went to his room and got into bed while Hoseok put the heating on.

"Yoongi are you going to tell me what's going on?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, but can I text Jimin first?" Yoongi asked and Hoseok nodded sitting and spinning on Yoongi's desk chair.

Hey Jimin


Jimin I just
got into a fight
and I lost. I'm
fine now I've
got stitches but
nothing serious


Jimin trust me
I'm going to tell
you everything on
Friday, I promise,
for now I'm keeping
you safe.

Keeping me safe?
But you got hurt
and I'm really

I know you are
but trust me I'll
tell you on Friday
I just want you
safe for now.

Ok I'll do
what you say
but Yoongi be
careful, please.
I started crying
after that phone
call. I thought
you were gone
completely. I
didn't know
what to do and
I feel so bad.

Jiminie, I'm
fine now. Please
don't cry. I was
cut off with a
load notification
noise in my ear
and I called my
roommate after
and then I blacked
out. I'm so sorry I
made you cry. You
shouldn't feel bad at
all, I'm so sorry I made
you cry and I promise
to tell you everything
just not yet.

Ok Yoongi.
Just from now
till the party we
both have to be
safe at least tell
your roommate
what's going on.
By the looks of
things school will
be cancelled all
week so I'll probs
meet with Jin and
the rest but I promise
to be careful.

Good. I'm going
to tell my roommate
everything now so I'll
text you later and I
promise to tell you
everything Jimin.
I promise.

Ok hyung.
Stay safe❤️

I will.
You too❤️

"Gonna tell me now?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded.


First Uploaded: 26/10/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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