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"Jimin are you home~" Kai's voice rang through the house.

Jimin and Yoongi froze. Yoongi pulled Jimin closer to him trying his best to comfort the younger. Then foots steps were heard on the stairs with a faded evil laugh through the walls.

They could hear him trying to open all the upstairs doors but failing and when it came to Jimin's room he tried opening the door but failed.

"Well I guess your not here because it's all silent and seems normal. So I'm going to go and try and find Yoongi" Kai shouted once again.

He walked back down the stairs and they heard him walk out the house and close the door behind him.

Yoongi got up and left the bathroom to see if Kai had fully gone.

"He's gone Jimin" Yoongi said softly and Jimin ran out the bathroom to hug Yoongi.

"How did he get in?" He asked and Yoongi shrugged slightly.

"He might have picked the lock" Yoongi sighed.

"I think tonight we'll keep the key in the door so then there's no way he can get in if he got back" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

Sorry for the short chapter I promise to make the next one longer today hasn't gone well so I'll update more tomorrow.

Uploaded: 12/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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