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Jimin decided to call his mother. It was the best way of finding out why.

"Hello mother" Jimin greeted in a happy tone.

"Hey sweetie, how's everything?" She asked.

"Everything is fine don't worry, but is it okay if my friend Yoongi stays for a couple of days? We were hanging out when is roommate had to go see his family for an emergency but Yoongi doesn't have his keys. His roommate should be back in about two or three days" Jimin explained, he then heard his mother and father talking.

"That's fine Jimin, we'll be back later tonight depending on traffic" His mother said.

"Okay mother, have a safe journey back, bye" Jimin said an His mother hung up.

"You really have to be formal with your parents?" Yoongi said and Jimin nodded.

"Yeah. Oh my goodness Yoongi what if they find out soon" Jimin said as the thought came into his head.

"We'll try out best to hide it okay?" Yoongi said and Jimin nodded.

"Good, now-"

Jimin's phone went off signalling he got a call. He grabbed his phone again seeing the caller ID was Namjoon. Jimin answered it and put it on speaker.

"You two are safe now" was the first thing Namjoon said before they could even say hello.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Kai's gone to prison, we found him and called the police so your both safe now" Namjoon said happily.

"Thank you so much Namjoon" Jimin said with a smile on his face.

"Anything for you Chim, you two have fun now I've got to get going otherwise Jin is going to go metal" Namjoon laughed slightly.

"Don't make Jin angry Namjoon, see you later, byee" Jimin said goodbye and then hung up when Namjoon said goodbye.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and smiled happily. They both went into a huge hug. Smiling happily.

"Finally! We're safe!" Jimin said happily in Yoongi's shoulder.

"Yeah, we finally are" Yoongi smiled hugging Jimin tighter.

They both got changed and decided to go out on their first date. It wasn't going to be far. Only to the cafe but it was more than good enough for them both.

They ordered some hot chocolate and got a window seat looking out onto the street watching all the people walk by. They talked about the most randomness thing and spotted the most randomness things.

They were laughing really hard at something they spotted, soon there heads were close together. Jimin looked in Yoongi's eyes and Yoongi looked in Jimin's eyes. There heads drew closer together until there lips were moulded into each other's perfectly. As if they had always been made for each other. Like a puzzle finding it's missing piece.


Uploaded: 14/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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