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"I'm home" Jimin said with a smile.

"Did you have a good time" His mother asked coming up to him.

"Yes I did thank you, also here's your change" Jimin handed his mother eleven pound and seventy pence.

"Thank you Jimin, why don't you go for a shower and I'll make you some soup for dinner" His mother said and Jimin nodded.

Jimin went up stairs and get put his: coat, hat, scarf, gloves and wellingtons. Once he put them away he went for a shower. He flinched slightly from his still cold skin making contact with the warm water but after a few seconds it felt like heaven. He stayed in the shower for about fifteen minutes and then got out and dried himself. He put his long sleeved top back on but put on some sweat pants since he wasn't going back out.

He headed down stairs since his mother was making him warm soup.

"I've finished mother" Jimin said and sat at the table.

"Here's your soup" she placed the bowel in front of him gently.

"Thank you for the meal" Jimin smiled and drank his soup from his spoon.

His mother went to do more ironing, while his father was in the office doing work. Once Jimin had finished he cleaned his bowel, dried it and put it away. He decided to go upstairs and as he was going up he remembered he needed to text Yoongi so he ran up half of the stairs.

He grabbed his phone and checked the time seeing it almost nine o'clock. Jimin went on Snapchat and on to his and Yoongi's chat.

I'm sorry I
forgot to say.
I'm Back

Omg I was so

I'm sorry
Yoongi, I
went for a
shower and
had dinner.

It's alright
don't apologise.
Did anything else
happen after we
last talked?

Kai came into
the cafe. I asked
to swap seats with
Jin so he didn't see
me and I told them
what's going on.

At least you
stayed away
from him just
keep away from

I will hyung
don't worry.
Taehyung and
Jungkook are
coming round
tomorrow to do
school work
tomorrow so I
won't be going
out as far as I

Okay that's good
not long now until
I can tell you

Yeah, I can't
wait too meet
you hyung.

I can't wait
to meet you

I better get
ready for bed
I'll text you
Love you❤️

Ok Jiminie.
Sleep well.
Love you too❤️

Jimin blushed and metal screamed at himself for saying that, but blushed when Yoongi texted it back to him. Jimin put his phone down and hit his pyjamas on. Then got his book back out from what he was reading the other night and was willing to finish it.

After an hour or so he finally finished the book and his mother came in on the right time.

"Time for bed Jimin" she said.

"Okay mother, also I've just finished this book" Jimin held the book up so his mother could see.

"Well done Jimin, when Taehyung and Jungkook are doing there school work tomorrow you can do your home book report for your father" His mother smiled and Jimin nodded.

"Okay, good night mother" Jimin smiled.

"Good night Jimin" she said back and left.

Before Jimin could get into bed his bedroom door swung back open.



Uploaded: 30/10/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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