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Jimin waited till his mother and father were in there room watching TV. He knew that they wouldn't be getting up out of bed. They had a bathroom connected to there room, they had drinks with them as well as food. His parents always put Jimin to bed early on a Thursday night so they can watch there program.

That's when Jimin found a night class for dancers. It was only two hours and on weekends he sometimes goes and then there four hours long. He loved dancing he just wished his parents accepted that he loved it.

"Good night Jimin, sleep well" his mother said good night.

"Night mother, see you in the morning" Jimin smiled and snuggled down in his covers.

His mother nodded and smiled before shutting Jimin's bedroom door. His mother knew he liked to lock his bedroom door at night because he was 'scared' that someone would try and get him. Well really Jimin locked his door every night so they wouldn't get suspicious that he sneaked out on Thursdays.

He waited till he heard the TV going. He put pillows under his duvet to make it look like him. That's another thing he needed to learn to do which was wake up with his head also under the cover to make it look more real but it was worth it.

Jimin slowly and quietly opened his window and climbed out. He pleaded his feet on the small little ledge that was there for some reason. He closed his window quietly and climbed down before running to his dance class. He was never late he just wanted to make sure that he was on time. When he arrived he got ready in his dance stuff and waited for the lesson to start.

When the lesson started he was in his element. He was friends with all the other boys there and they knew how much Jimin loved dancing. When the break came Jimin ran to his phone.

He switched his phone on and saw he had a few notifications but one stood out.

(1)Snapchat: Yoongles💕

Jimin smiled happily opening the snapchat.

Did you get to
your dance place

Yeah, we are just on
our break now. Ahh
I love it so much^^

As long as you
enjoy it. How
come you have
to sneak out?
And don't you
have school

I sneak out because
my dad doesn't like
me dancing, he says
that dancing isn't
meant for boys, so
I sneak out. And I
do have school
tomorrow but looking
outside now it's starting
to snow, so I don't know.

Be careful going
home, it's dangerous
to be out when it's
snowing. Text me when
you get home so I don't

I will hyung don't worry.
I've only got another 30
minutes left. So it'll take
about twenty minutes to
get home.

Okay but do you
have anything that
is warm you can

I've only got my
thin jumper
because I ran

Okay, don't run
home. Do you have
someone you can
call like Jin, Namjoon,
Taehyung or Jungkook?

I can try and call
Jin hyung to see
if he can walk me
home or drop off
a warmer hoodie.
But it depends if
he's 'doing it' with

Maybe he will
bring Namjoon
with him😂.
Anyway make
sure you do.

Okay, I will hyung
and I'll text you
when I get back.

Good. Make
sure you do
otherwise I'll
just worry so
much. Now
go and enjoy
the rest of your
dance session.

Ok hyung. Text
you later. Byeee.


Jimin went off Snapchat and went to call Jin.

"Hey Jin!" Jimin said happily.

"Hey Jimin, what do you want I was kind of busy" Jin laughed awkwardly.

"Doing Namjoon, anyway I'm at my dance class and it's snowing and I only have a thin jumper and Yoongi hyung wants me to call you and ask if you could walk me home" Jimin explained quickly before his teacher called them all back over.

"Yeah that's fine Jimin, but Namjoon will be coming with me too" Jin said knowing what the younger was going to say.

"I knew it. Anyway I have to go because my teacher is going to call us over in a minute and remember my lesson finished in about thirty minutes" Jimin said and hung up before his teacher called them all over.

"Which one you dating? The person you were texting or the person you called?" Jimin heard his dance buddy Kai ask.

"I'm not dating anyone. Jin is dating Namjoon" Jimin reminded Kai.

Kai was a friend from school. What Jimin didn't know was that Kai was obsessed with him. So when Kai heard that Jimin said Jin is dating Namjoon he felt half the weight off his shoulders.

"What about the other one?" Kai asked seeing how Jimin didn't bring him up.

"O-Oh Yoongi, well he's my b-best f-friend?" Jimin questioned.

"Why are you questioning it" Kai asked another question.

"Because obviously Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook are also my best friends but I don't get the warm, happy feeling when I'm around them but when I'm texting Yoongi I am" Jimin said hoping Kai could help him.

"Oh I understand it" Kai said trying to keep all his anger inside.

"When are you meeting Yoongi?" Kai asked.

"Next Friday at Jackson's party, are you coming?" Jimin asked and Kai nodded.

Kai didn't want to go to Jackson's party but from this he needs to go.

'No one is taking my Jimin from me' Kai thought angrily.

Then the teacher called them over to do the second half of the lesson.


First Uploaded: 22/10/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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