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"I've known Jimin for just over two months now and we text everyday. I know about his friends, school life and home life but I just feel like he's hiding something but something that's bad. His friends sound nice there called: Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung. From when Jimin talks about them I feel like he's happy and that they are truly his friends. His school life seems good as well, he has good grades and he's smart but something also doesn't just feel right. I feel when he talks about it there's something that could be bothering him. When he talks about his home life I have a strong feeling something isn't right. His parents sound nice but I only really know that his mum is strict. He has mentioned his father but he doesn't really talk about him but my feeling is strong there and he just texted me before 'I nearly got caught!!' But when I asked he then he went 'Oh...ummmm...never mind' and I'm just worried Hoseok" Yoongi said sinking down into his spiny chair.

"Your feeling of things if they are bad or good have always been right. Something could be going on with your friend Jimin. Just try and be NICE to him. When you meet him slowly and gradually ask if he's alright with everything at home and school. Don't be cranky with him" Hoseok said the last part seriously.

"Anywayyyy, I'm off to see Jaebum, you coming or staying?" He asked.

"I'll stay, Jimin's going to text me back after he's finished eating his dinner" Yoongi said turning back facing his computer and his desk set up.

"Okay Yoongi.... someone's in lovee~" Hoseok said the last part quietly before running out the apartment.

"Annoying but good roommate" Yoongi said to himself.

He clicked the home button of his phone seeing a snap chat from Jimin.

(1)Snapchat: Jiminiee💖

He quickly swiped and unlocked his phone.

I'm backkkk

How was your

It was good. My
mum made me
some rice and
vegetables nothing
special but I enjoyed

At least you
enjoy it. That's
the main thing.

Yeah but I've got to
sneak out soon

How come?

I do dance but my
mum and dad are
completely against
me doing it so I normally
sneak out.

Why are they against

Umm.. Oh I've
got to go Hyung
I'll text you tomorrow

Ok. Have and
stay safe

I'll will hyung don't
worry byee :)


First Uploaded: 21/10/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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