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"I believe you can, explain why you want to get rid of me" Yoongi smirked slightly.

"Ahh, you must be Yoongi, decided today was the day you wanted to be gone" Kai smirked evilly.

"Eh, you can get rid of me now but you can explain to Jimin why I won't be there next Friday" Yoongi said like he's taking it lightly.

"Yeah, I guess you right" Kai said as he pulled Yoongi inside his house, closed the door and slammed Yoongi's back against the door.

"I'll make Friday come quicker for you" Kai smirked and threw a punch towards Yoongi.


Jimin was doing his school work. He only had math last to do but it was easy. It had taken him an hour to do mostly everything. His school didn't really plan any lessons that would be for today so Jimin didn't have a lot to do.

He checked his phone for notifications on his phone but nothing from Yoongi. Jimin got up from his desk and he looked out seeing the snow coming down again.

"Be safe Yoongi, please" Jimin whispered looking out the window seeing fresh new layer of snow.

Jimin shivered slightly do he went down stairs to make himself a hot chocolate. While it was heating he went back up stairs and put his school things away nearly so it couldn't get damaged or anything like that. He also check his phone but nothing. Jimin went back down stairs and grabbed his hot chocolate.

Jimin went back upstairs and drank his hot chocolate listening to calming music. Jimin normally listened to pumped up music but today he felt like listening to calm music and sang along with the soft lyrics. While he was listening, singing and sipping he was also think about Yoongi. Jimin couldn't help but think about there conversation from early two hours ago. Something was wrong and Jimin knew Kai had started it.

As if on cue Jimin's phone went off as he drank the last part of his hot chocolate. He placed his mug down on his bedside table and went over to his desk seeing a notification for Instagram. Jimin sighed and sat back at his desk. He pulled his study books out and studied like his mother and father wanted. He didn't want his father to get angry at him again.


"I hope this will make Friday come quicker for you Yoongi and now we're going somewhere for me to dump you to make it look like it didn't happen here" Kai laughed evilly.

Yoongi was on the floor. His face covered in cuts, bruises and blood. Yoongi couldn't even stand up, he felt so weak but tried to make his body stand up for him but he physically couldn't.

Kai grabbed his arm and yanked him up and he made Yoongi walk. They went to a river close by Kai's house and he threw Yoongi on the path by it covered in snow. As Yoongi made contact with the snow, it slowly started to get stained with the redness of his blood.

"Have fun Yoongi~ just wait till Friday night, that's when it get real" Kai said waving and walked back to his house.

Yoongi felt cold. Cold from the weather. He pulled his phone out and text Jackson.

Can I have Jimin's number?

Yeah sure it's: ** **** ******

Thanks Jackson I owe you one.


First Uploaded: 25/10/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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