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The second half of the dance lesson started and all through that lesson Jimin was thinking of Yoongi. Recently Yoongi came more into his mind and thoughts. He was also thinking about why Kai was asking him so many questions.

Jimin knew that Kai already knew that Jin was with Namjoon, but why was he so bothered about Yoongi? Jimin wondered if Kai knew him but from what he was guessing was that he doesn't know him.

As the lesson was finishing up he went over to Kai.

"Kai, do you know Yoongi?" Jimin asked.

"Nope, but he sounds like a nice guy" Kai answered popping the 'p'.

"Yeah he is, he's such a nice person, I'm glad I met him" Jimin said as Yoongi came back into his mind making him feel all warm and happy.

Kai glared slightly seeing all the happiness in Jimin's eyes from talking about Yoongi.

"Hey Jimin could I maybe have Yoongi's Snapchat? He sounds like a smart guy and I need some advice" Kai lied.

"Oh..umm..sure" Jimin said a bit shocked but gave Kai Yoongi's Snapchat.

"Thanks Jimin also, do you maybe have a crush on Yoongi" Kai asked seriously almost making Jimin scared.

"W-What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Well you get all mushy, happy and your face goes slightly red. It's almost as if your in love with him" Kai said trying not to show anger.

"Is that why a feel all happy and warm inside?" Jimin asked.

Kai's anger grew, "Yeah, are you gay Jimin?" Kai asked.

Jimin thought about it. If he was being honest he never felt attracted to girls and has done to boys a few times but never thought of it.

"Y-Yeah i t-think" Jimin said.

Kai smiles and nodded. "Don't worry I am too maybe ask Yoongi" Kai smirked. "Oh I got to go now, see you later Jimin" and Kai turned away.

As Kai was walking he felt anger rise inside of him.

Jimin stood there for a bit thinking, he had thought of this before but thinking of it more it became certain. Jimin remembered that Jin and Namjoon were waiting for him outside so he picked up his stuff and went out. He saw Jin and Namjoon talking and Jin holding one of his black thick jumpers.

"Jimin, here you go" Jin gave him the jumper and Jimin up it on.

"Thanks hyung" Jimin smiles when he got it on.

The jumper was huge and went down to his knees but it was warm. While walking back Jimin was thinking and was certain that he was gay.

"Jin, Namjoon" Jimin said.

"Yeah" they both said in sync.

"I think I'm gay" Jimin said looking at the taller two and they smiled.

"That's great Jimin, hows the lucky guy you like?" Namjoon asked.

"Well I think it's Yoongi" Jimin felt his cheek heat up slightly.

"The guy you met through Jackson?" Namjoon asked and Jimin nodded.

"That's great, I did remember something that Jackson said about Yoongi's sexuality but I can't remember" Namjoon said and Jimin nodded.

Soon they arrived at Jimin's house.

"Thanks for walking me home, you can go back to your business now" Jimin whispered trying not to make too much noise.

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