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Jimin's alarm went off at eight o'clock in the morning. He turned it off and sat up stretching.  Jimin went for a quick morning shower and walked to his closet and draws with a towel around his waist. He pulled the clothes out from yesterday, a clean pair of socks and underwear and got changed.

Once he was changed he went down stairs for breakfast.

"Morning mother and father" Jimin greeted them.

"Morning Jimin/Son"  they said in sync watching TV.

"Would you like some breakfast?" His mother asked.

Jimin shook his head, "Don't worry I'll make it you relax" he smiled.

His mother stayed seated on the sofa and Jimin went to the kitchen to make some toast. While the bread was roasting he looked at the list of chores that was magnet to the fridge.

His list was the usual length. His toast popped and he buttered it, he sat at the table eating while reading the list. Once he had finished he washing the dishes from this morning, dried them and put them away.

Then he swept the floor. Wiped the kitchen sides. Got all the washing from around the house and put them in the washing machine. Put the wet clothes in the tumble dryer. Polished his room. Changed his bed covers. Dusted his room. Cleaned his own bathroom. hoovered his room. Mopped his bathroom floor. Opened his curtains. Put fresh bedcovers on. Took his other bed covers down and put them in the wash. Cleaned his bedroom window. Finally he was done.

He went back down stairs still seeing his mother and father sat on the sofa watching TV.

"Mother, father I've finished my chores" Jimin smiled.

"Good boy, you can go get ready for meeting your friends, but make sure you put something warm on" his mother looked and him and Jimin nodded.

Jimin walked back up stairs and chose what he would wear. He chose: black skinny jeans, long white sleeved T-Shirt, black hoodie and fluffy and none fluffy socks. He put his normal socks on first and then his fluffy ones, so his feet and toes don't freeze.

He went back into his bathroom and brushed his teeth and went back into his bedroom and made his bed properly. Once he was done he heard a knocked at the front door and his mother shouted him saying his friends were here. He grabbed his coat, scarf, hat, gloves and wellingtons. Then he headed down stairs.
He wrapped up and but his wellingtons on. 

"What time would you like me back?" Jimin asked nicely.

"Eight o'clock and here's a bit of money for food and a warm drink, don't waste it on unhealthy food okay?" His mother said giving him a twenty pound note.

"I won't mother, thank you so much, I'll see you later" Jimin smiled going out the door and closed it behind him.

Once the door was closed he sighed.

"Still Strict?" Namjoon asked and Jimin nodded.

"Yeah, I only convinced her to let me go to the party on Friday by lying" Jimin sighed again.

"Aww, don't worry Jimin hyung, at least your going" Jungkook showed his bunny smile.

"Also Jimin hyung, I heard you like someone" Taehyung said in a funny voice.

"Y-Yeah I do" Jimin stuttered.

"Who is she?" Jungkook asked.

"Well you see, it's a he" Jimin corrected him.

"Aww our hyung is like us" the two youngest cheered happily.

"Who is it?" They asked and Namjin were laughing and the younger two.

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