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Jimin froze. From what his father said. What was he going to do now.

More tears fell down Jimin's face. He cried for ages. He cried himself to sleep that night. For the whole night he kept tossing and turning but he didn't dream of anything.

It became morning and Jimin's bedroom door opened. Jimin opened his eyes seeing two figures enter his room.

"Oh my god Jimin-hyung! What happened?!" He heard Taehyung say and Jimin opened his eyes fully seeing Taehyung kneeling next to his bed.

"Are my parents out?" Jimin said in his morning voice.

"Yeah, they left as they let us in" Jungkook said coming over next to Taehyung.

Jimin's eyes filled with tears again making the two younger boys look at him with more worry in there eyes.

"Hyung what's wrong? Tell us!" Jungkook said and Jimin nodded.

"I-I ran up the stairs last night and I didn't apologise to my father and he lost it. He slapped me hard and I fell over and hit my head on the side of my cabinet..." Jimin told the first part and the two younger boys looked at his bedside table seeing a little bit of blood on it.

"What else Jiminie" Taehyung said.

Taehyung knew that wasn't the full story. He knew when his best friend was lying or hiding something.

"I-I heard my parents talking last night and my mother asked my father why he refused me to do dance and he said because h-he doesn't w-want a g-gay son" tears started falling down his cheek again.

Taehyung pulled Jimin into a hug and Jungkook joined in as well.

"Don't listen to him hyung, you can't help it. He shouldn't see you any different you'd his son. I just say don't tell him yet let this pass by and calmed down then maybe tell them" Taehyung said comforting Jimin and Jimin nodded.

"Why don't you go have a shower hyung. We'll get our stuff out and make you breakfast while you get ready!" Jungkook suggested and Taehyung nodded.

The two boys went downstairs and started making Jimin some breakfast while Jimin got ready. He had a shower which soothed his headache from the night before and this morning. Once he had got out the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed a pair of underwear, sweat pants, hoodie and socks. He went back into the bathroom to get dried and changed.

When he came out the bathroom he put his dirty washing in his washing bin, made his bed and opened his curtains. Soon Jungkook and Taehyung came back up with Jimin's breakfast.

"Thank you guys" Jimin smiled sadly and ate his breakfast.

While Jimin was eating his breakfast, Jungkook and Taehyung got all there homework out and started to set everything out.

When Jimin finished his breakfast he went down stairs and washed his plate, dried it and put it away. Jimin walked up the stairs still hurt from what happened the night before.

When he reentered his room he saw Jungkook and Taehyung comfortable sat on the floor. Jimin grabbed the stuff he needed to do as well and sat comfortably on the floor as well.

"Hyung" Taehyung said and Jimin hummed in response while checking he had everything he needed.

"Have you told Yoongi about the conversation you heard?" Taehyung asked and Jimin shook his head.

"I think you need to tell him hyung" Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Okay I will now, so you two get on with you homework and I'll snapchat him now" Jimin said grabbing his phone and opening Snapchat.

While it was loading Taehyung and Jungkook started on their homework. Finally Snapchat loaded


Are you alright



Last night I
overheard my
parents talking
after the whole
incident and my
mother asked my
father why he doesn't
allow me to dance
and he replied with:
'I don't want a gay son'
and my mother agreed
with him and I don't
know what to do..

What the hell
is wrong with him?!?
He should love you
anyway you are!!
That's unacceptable
of what he said!!!

I know but
what would
his reaction
be? I'm scared
Yoongi. I am so
scared of what
will happen when
I do.

For now don't
bring it up alright.
I'll think of something
that could help
I'll start think okay?

You don't have
to. I might never
tell them. Don't
think too hard that
your head starts to
hurt. When do you
get your stitches out?

Okay I'll try
and think of
something not
thinking too hard.
Also I'm getting my
stitches taken out

That's good.
Good luck
with it hyung!!
I better get back
to Kookie and Tae
they both struggling
with homework.

Thanks Jiminie.
Good luck with
them two as well.

After that conversation with Yoongi, Jimin felt a smile forming on his face. Taehyung and Jungkook saw and smiled seeing there hyung smiling. For the rest of the day Jimin wrote his book report and made it extra long also to show that he is sorry and put more effort into it. Jungkook and Taehyung struggled with there homework and were so thankful that Jimin helped them. They started to understand everything that Jimin was explaining which was good.

Jungkook and Taehyung left when Jimin's parents got home. They left slightly glaring at his father because of what he said. Luckily his father didn't see.

"Jimin" his father said strictly.

"Yes Sir" Jimin stood in front of his father stood up straight.

"I expect this book report to be the best otherwise there's more trouble" His father said with no emotion apart from the strictness in his voice.

"Yes Sir" Jimin said as he handed his father the book report.

His father then walked away and Jimin went back up to his room. He laid on his bed and just thought about things of what might happen in the future.


Uploaded: 01/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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