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Yoongi pulled out his phone and unlocked it, going onto his and Kai's snapchats. They examined and read the chat throughly before they said anything.

"The snapchats are true" they said for the machine.

"And why didn't you tell Mr.Park about the threats before the party" the interviewer asked.

"I didn't want him to worry, so I told him to stay away from Kai until we met" Yoongi said and they nodded.

"And is that everything Kai has done?" They asked and Jimin shook his head.

"Mr.Park shook his head" they said for the recording again.

"What else had he done?" Their attention now on Jimin.

"He broke into my pare- I mean Mr and Mrs Park's house" Jimin stopped himself from saying parents.

"Why did you stop what you were saying half way through?" They asked.

"They kicked me out for being gay and having a boyfriend" tears started forming in the corner of Jimin's eyes.

"Can we please end this here?" Yoongi asked bringing Jimin into a hug.

"Yes of corse, end of recording at 10:54am" the interviewer said ended the recording.

"You both will have to attend court but we don't know the official date yet" the interviewer said to Yoongi and he nodded.

"Thank you, bye" Yoongi said seeing them out.

Yoongi walked back over to Jimin and gave him a big hug.

"I'm sorry about that, I didn't know that any of this would be happening" Yoongi said softly.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything, with this we can send Kai to prison and then he won't ever bother us again" Jimin smiled softly in Yoongi's shoulder.

"Yeah, lets do our best to get him out of our lives" Yoongi pulled away from the hug and pecked Jimin's lips.

━━━━━━ ◦Time Skip◦ ━━━━━━

It was the official date for Kai's court, Jimin and Yoongi were dressed smartly. They were nervous and a little scared to see Kai again. They were doing everything they can do get Kai sent down for attempted murder and harassment.

It was hard in court. There was only a few people that came to back Kai up like his mother and farther, also his lawyer but Jimin and Yoongi had more. They had each other, Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and their lawyer to help send Kai down.

"Kai, I sentence you to ten years for attempted murder and another five years for harassment, altogether you are in prison for fifteen years unless you break the rules in prison" the judge said and slammed his wooden hammer down making it official.

Jimin and Yoongi were over the moon. They could finally live in peace without having to be careful looking out for Kai. They hugged each other tightly as tears of joy ran down their faces.

That night they all went out to celebrate by having a meal and a few sneaky drinks. They didn't have many drinks maybe one or two and then Jimin and Yoongi headed back to their shared apartment.

"Five months of hard work and we finally sent him down" Yoongi smiled and their hands were intertwined.

"I'm so happy it paid off" Jimin smiled as he leaned his head against Yoongi's shoulder as they were five minutes away from the apartment.

They entered the apartment and Yoongi locked up. They both got into there pyjamas and they cuddled in bed.

"We can finally start are lives peaceful without Kai trying to break us apart" Jimin smiled snuggling into Yoongi's chest.

"Yes we can" Yoongi kissed Jimin forehead before they both went to sleep soundly.

This book is almost finished guys!!
Tomorrow's chapter will be the last chapter and then this book is completed.

Uploaded: 18/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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