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"I'm not sure if you know someone called Kai but-" Hoseok cut Yoongi off.

"Kai!! As in The Dancing Machine?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi nodded.

"HE DID THAT TO YOU?!" Hoseok shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, what do you know about him" Yoongi asked.

"Well he's rich, he gets what he wants, he'll do anything to get what he wants, he's my dancing rival and he's very possessive" Hoseok thought.

"Right... Hoseok, I think I need to show you the messages" Yoongi sighed unlocking his phone

He went on Snapchat and went on his and Kai's chat seeing Kai typing.

"What the hell?" Yoongi mumbled but got Hoseok attention.

"What's wrong, Yoongi" Hoseok asked immediately.

"Kai's typing" Yoongi said still looking at his phone.

"Just wait till he's finished typing and gone off the chat then show me" Hoseok said and Yoongi nodded.

A few seconds later he got a notification saying he got a snapchat off Kai. Yoongi opened and read it.

I hope you like what
happened today just
remember that it's
going to hurt even
on Friday just think
of this as a taster but
it'll be worse that. Then
he'll be MINE.

"Yoongi you can't go to Jackson's party, your going to get hurt" Hoseok said seriously.

"And if I don't go Jimin will get hurt or worse" Yoongi said coldly.

"Wait, Kai's after Jimin?" Hoseok asked surprised again.

"Yeah, just read the messages" Yoongi have Hoseok his phone.

Hoseok read throw the messages and frowned.

"Have you told Jimin?" Hoseok asked and Yoongi shook his head.

"I'm going to tell him on Friday, I told him to stay close to one of his friends if he's there before me or if I arrive before him I'm going to wait at the entrance and I've told him to stay away from Kai" Yoongi explained to Hoseok and he nodded.

Hoseok sighed, "Yoongi, you have to be safe, I've got a night shift at work on Friday so I won't be going to Jackson's party. If you got hurt in front of Jimin I can tell it's just going to break his heart, if something happens call me first, okay?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi with a stern face.

"Okay I will" Yoongi nodded.

Hoseok's smile returned to his face, "well you rest and keep warm, no work, I'll cook dinner and you rest" Hoseok got up off Yoongi's chair and walked to the kitchen.


"YAH! YOU MUST BE BETTER ALREADY!!" Hoseok shouted back.

Yoongi smiled and put the covers over him to keep him warm. Yoongi sighed thinking that he made Jimin cry, Yoongi felt terrible but kind of happy at the same time. Terrible because he made Jimin worry, but happy because Jimin wasted his tears on him. He was happy.

"I promise to not make you cry again Jimin, once everything is over and everything is sorted with your parents" Yoongi smiled tiredly before falling asleep.


Jimin wiped his tears away and smiled. He was just so happy that Yoongi was safe. Jimin the looked at the clock that was hung up on his wall.

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