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That morning they both woke up to a knock at the door. Yoongi told Jimin to stay in bed while he went to the door. Yoongi didn't care how he looked he unlocked the door and opened it revealing the police.

"Are you Min Yoongi?" The two police officers asked and Yoongi nodded.

"We would like to question you about Kai, I'm sure you know who we mean, could you come down to the station?" One asked and Yoongi shook his head slightly.

"I'm not leaving my boyfriend, he's having a rough time at the moment" Yoongi said sternly and the officers looked at the clipboard they had with them.

"Is your boyfriend, Park Jimin?" They asked and Yoongi nodded hesitantly.

"We also need to talk to him so we can call for the people to come here and interview you both at the same time" the officers said and Yoongi nodded.

"We'll go get changed and we'll be with you, come in" Yoongi said opening the door and letting them in.

They sat on the sofa while Yoongi went back into the bedroom. When he entered he saw Jimin sat up in the bed and now looking at him.

"The police are here, they want to question us about Kai" Yoongi sighed and Jimin nodded.

They both got changed into something comfy but also presentable. When they exited the bedroom Jimin introduced himself and asked them if they wanted a drink or anything. They both asked for a coffee, since Jimin didn't really know his way around Yoongi's apartment yet Yoongi made the coffee for the officers.

It took five minutes for the interviewer came. They set up the recording device and started playing it.

"Please state your names"

"Min Yoon Gi"

"Park Ji Min"

"What happened on the night you were stabbed Mr.Min" they asked.

"Jackson gave me a key to the downstairs area where the dining room was because Kai had threatened us and I wanted to tell Jimin everything since I wanted to do it in person and he came downstairs after I explained everything. Then a fight broke out and I protect Jimin from everything that Kai said. He's was much stronger and he made Jimin unconscious and stabbed me twice, once in the stomach and once in a chest and that's all I remember" Yoongi explained.

"Don't forget what happened before the party" Jimin said.

"And what happened before the party?" The interviewer asked.

"About a week or just under I went to Kai's house to ask him to leave Jimin alone and he beat me and left me in the snow" Yoongi explained the first story.

"Right and what was Kai saying about Mr.Park?" The interviewer asked writing things down.

"I have them on my phone if you'd like to see" Yoongi said and they nodded.

"Mr.Min is showing us the messages" the interviewer said for the machine.


Uploaded: 17/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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