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They pulled away for air after a few seconds they started into each other's eyes.

"Jimin I love you so much" Yoongi smiled softly.

"I love you too" Jimin said and peck his lips.

They left the cafe and started to walk home with there hands intertwined. They both walked back slowly enjoying the company that them two had alone for a while. As they came closer to Jimin's house he saw a familiar car that he didn't want to see just yet.

"There home" he sighed.

"Don't worry Jimin" Yoongi smiled squeezing the younger's hand to reinsure him.

"Also Yoongi, I told my parents that you are a new student in my class that recently joined just so I could come and meet you, could you maybe play along for a little bit with that?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded with a smile.

They let go of each other's hand feeling the cold air from loosing the warmth. They walked up to the house and Jimin opened the door to see his parents in the hallway.

"Jimin your back too" His mother smiled and Jimin nodded.

"I hoped you both enjoyed your trip" Jimin smiled and his parents nodded.

"This must be your friend Yoongi" His mother smiled and Jimin cringed slightly when she said friend.

"Y-Yeah, this is Yoongi" Jimin stuttered slightly.

"Well Yoongi you can call me Mr.Park, I'm sorry if my son has been rude or anything like that" his father glared at his son and Jimin's face fell.

"He's never been rude or 'anything else'" Yoongi said.

"Good, Jimin down here in half an hour" His father said sternly.

"Yes sir" Jimin said and the two boys went up stairs.

Yoongi and Jimin headed up stairs and Jimin shut the door, he leaned his back against the door and he slid down it sighing.

"What did your father mean by be back down in half an hour?" Yoongi asked concerned.

"I don't know, probably to give me a hit for doing something wrong" Jimin looked down.

Yoongi came over and brought him into a hug.

"I won't let him hurt you" Yoongi said softly.

They both stood up still hugging each other and sat on Jimin's bed. They stayed like this for a while loosing track of time.

"I love you" Jimin said.

"I love you too" Yoongi said back.

They both leaned in and kissed each other again. That's until the door swung open.



Uploaded: 15/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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