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Jimin heard a knock at his front door, he grabbed his keys off the little key hook he has by his desk and went down stairs to open the door. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook were already for the party.

"You ready to go?" Namjoon asked and Jimin nodded.

He switched all the lights off, got his keys put the inside lock and put them in the outside lock. He shut the door and locked it pulling his keys out and put them in his pocket.

Once Jimin had locked up they all started to walk to Jackson's house. It took a while to get there but when they were at the bottom of the street they could hear all the noise coming from Jackson's house.

As they came closer to Jackson's house, Jimin started to feel nervous and so excited. Nervous for two things 1) Kai. 2) Meeting Yoongi. Excited for also meeting Yoongi. He just hoped that Kai wouldn't do anything again to Yoongi.

They arrived at Jackson's front door but they didn't bother knocking because the music was so loud. When they entered it was dark with disco lights, music blasting, food on a long table, people drinking and loads more. Jin and Namjoon went to go see Jackson and Taehyung and Jungkook stayed with Jimin until they found Yoongi.

They had come early and Jimin kept his eye on the door hoping to see Yoongi walk through. After a few minutes Kai walked in. Taehyung and Jungkook saw and they stood in front of Jimin hiding him so that Kai couldn't see.

When Kai was out of sight Jimin sighed.

"That was a close one" a deepish voice said coming from behind Jimin.

The voice startled Jimin and he turned around to see a boy similar to his height. Jimin's eyes widened and a huge smile formed on his face.

"Yoongi" Jimin smiled and instantly hugged the older boy.

Yoongi laughed slightly and pulled Jimin close to him wrapping his arms around him. Yoongi smiles taking in Jimin's sent feeling butterflies in his tummy rise up stronger as the smile became brighter.

"Hey Jiminie" Yoongi finally said.

"Jimin I've got a lot to explain to you" Yoongi scratched the back of his head and Jimin nodded slightly.

Jimin told Jungkook and Taehyung that they could go off and have fun since he was with Yoongi now. They reminded Jimin to call them if Kai came after them and Jimin nodded. Yoongi lead Jimin to a quieter place, down stairs. Yoongi already asked Jackson about it and he said they could go to the downstairs rooms since they would be off limits.

Yoongi got the key out and unlocked the door and held it open for Jimin. He closed the door behind them and locked it again.

"Jackson said this area of the house would be off limits so he gave me the key so that we could talk down here" Yoongi explained in case Jimin though of anything bad.

"Alright, it's much quieter down here" Jimin smiled and sat down on one of the chairs.

They were currently in the dining room. Yoongi sat next to Jimin and sighed slightly.

"You see, Kai added me on Snapchat and told me to leave you alone because in his eyes you were 'HIS'. I told him that you didn't belong to anyone but he wasn't having any of it so he said that he was after me at this party to get rid of me. I got mad and asked Jackson where he lived. Jackson gave me Kai's address and I went there. I knocked on the door and that's when we met. He pulled me in side and beat me up. Once he was done after about half an hour I think he dragged me outside and lead me down to the river and left me there. I text Jackson again and asked for your number to call you. And I did try to tell you to stay away from Kai but the line got cut thanks to a notification. Then I called my roommate Hoseok who I asked for help. He called an ambulance and came to the river. I went to the hospital and was out for three hours in a heated room. I went home and had to keep warm. I told Hoseok what happened and asked him about Kai and he told me more about him. So that's why I wanted you to stay away from Kai because he was after you and I don't want you to get hurt" Yoongi explained and Jimin processed everything.

"He's going to hurt you?!" Was all that Jimin was focused on.

"Apparently. He said that he was going to get rid of me and that when I went to visit him that was like a taster or something" Yoongi said.

"Yoongi how are you not scare?" Jimin asked softly.

"I don't know. I just feel like he won't do it"

"Oh I won't will I?"


Uploaded: 05/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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