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Violence, blood and knives are mentioned and used in this chapter!!

━━━━━━ ◦9 Years Later◦ ━━━━━━

"Jun In, are you ready?" Yoongi shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming daddy" a little five year old boy came running down the stairs.

He sat on the stairs and put his small little trainers on.

"Can you please tie them?" Jun In asked politely and Yoongi nodded, kneeling down to tie his sons shoes lace.

"Now should we go see daddy?" Yoongi asked and Jun In nodded his head excitedly.

Yoongi unlocked the front door and they both went outside. Yoongi locked the door behind them and took Jun In's hand as they walked to the car. When they got to the car Jun In day in the passengers seat and Yoongi strapped him in before getting in the drivers side himself.

They started driving to the hospital where Jimin currently was. It took at least half an hour to get to the hospital, when they arrived Jun In was dragging Yoongi behind him. It had been a few days since Jun In had see his other daddy because of school and clubs. They got up the where Jimin's room was.

"DADDY!~" Jun In said happily running up to Jimin who was sleeping but was woken.

"Jun In, What did I say about running in shouting" Yoongi sighed.

"It's fine Yoongi, don't worry" Jimin smiled sitting up in the hospital bed wincing in pain slightly still.

"Daddy, I drew a picture at school for you" Jun In smiled happily and showed Jimin the picture he had folded up in his small jeans pocket.

"That's beautiful baby, can I keep it with me until I can come home?" Jimin asked smiling and Jun In nodded happily.

"Do you want to play on Daddy's phone?" Yoongi asked and gave Jun In his phone who sat on the other chair next to Jimin's bed.

"How have you been?" Yoongi asked grabbing his husbands hand.

"Still in pain but much better than I was a few days after the incident, how's Jun In been with what happened?" Jimin asked smiling at Yoongi.

"He's been fine, he has had little nightmares from what he saw but he's been sleeping with me for a few night but getting better" Yoongi smiled and Jimin nodded.

"I'm just glad that he didn't get hurt" Jimin smiled softly looking at his beautiful son.

━━━━━━ ◦1 Month Ago◦ ━━━━━━

"Jun In! Bedtime" Jimin shouted from the top of their stairs.

"Coming Daddy" Jun In smiled running up the stairs using his hands as well.

Yoongi was at work that night. Once a month Yoongi did a night shift at his new job. Jimin didn't mind, it meant that he could spend sometime with their son. While Jimin was putting Jun In to sleep he heard the front door open which confused him because Yoongi should still be at work.

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