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Yoongi opened his eyes feeling a little bit of pain in his chest from the surgery. He moved his head to the side to see Jimin sleeping in the chair. Yoongi smiled and sat up in the hospital bed.

He saw his phone was on the cabinet by his bed and he grabbed it. He unlocked it and went on the the camera, moving his hand up to get the perfect picture of his sleeping boyfriend.

When Yoongi got the picture he smiled at it and looked at it for a little bit before hearing Jimin stirring awake. Jimin opened his eyes tiredly and saw that Yoongi was awake.

"Sleep well, sleeping beauty" Yoongi giggled and showed Jimin the picture.

Jimin rubbed his eyes at looked at the picture before laughing slightly.

"Hey I look terrible" he smiled tiredly.

"No you don't" Yoongi smiled and made it his lock screen for now.

It was getting late and Jimin got a text from Namjoon that he was going to take the others home because they are so tired. Jimin texted back saying that was fine but he was going to stay longer.

"Who was that?" Yoongi asked.

"It was only Namjoon, he's taking the others back because they are absolutely tired" Jimin smiled towards Yoongi showing him the messages.

They talked a little longer and it soon hit midnight. Jimin saw the time.

"It's getting late, I don't want to keep you awake any longer" Jimin smiled before getting up.

"It's late, is someone going to pick you up?" Yoongi asked and Jimin shook his head.

"Jimin you can't walk home by yourself, it's not safe. Why don't you stay here for the night" Yoongi suggest and Jimin nodded.

Yoongi made room in his single hospital bed and Jimin got in with Yoongi. They both hugged each other tightly so none of them fell out and to embrace each other's warmth.

"Good night Jiminie" Yoongi said dozing.

"Good night Yoongi" Jimin said before they both fell asleep.


Uploaded: 09/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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