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Jimin's nose twitched waking him up. He saw that Yoongi was already awake.

"Morning" Yoongi smiled hugging Jimin more.

"Morning Yoongi" Jimin said in his morning voice.

"The doctors said that I can get discharged today" he said softly and Jimin smiled.

"That's good, what time?" Jimin snuggled into Yoongi gently.

"Whenever we're ready" Yoongi smiled and Jimin nodded.

Then Yoongi's phone started to ring. They both sat up and Yoongi grabbed his phone and answered.

"What do you want horse face?" Yoongi asked annoyed.

"Alright see you whenever you come back, bye" Yoongi hung up after a minute of speaking on the phone.

"I'm guessing that was your roommate" Jimin giggled and Yoongi nodded.

"He said I'm in for a big scolding when he gets back from visiting his parents which will be a couple of days" Yoongi sighed.

"At least you have a few days to prepare" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi got dressed into his clothes that he wore at the party. They were cleaned but still had the rips from the knife in it. The hospital discharged Yoongi and they both left. They started to walk down the street away from the hospital. Yoongi felt his pockets for his keys.

"Where the hell are my keys" Yoongi said as he checked every pocket.

"Where they in the hospital?" Jimin asked as they both stopped.

"I don't remember seeing them there" Yoongi said and still couldn't find them.

"Should we go check?" Jimin asked and Yoongi nodded.

They both heard back towards the hospital and asked at the front desk and the doctor. They said that he didn't have any keys on him when he arrived at the hospital and didn't have any in the ambulance either.

They walked out and Yoongi froze.

"What's wrong Yoongi?" Jimin asked seeing him froze.

"I last remember being thrown against the wall, stabbed and Kai reached into my pocket before I blacked out" Yoongi said and Jimin froze as well.

"Come to think about it, what did happen to Kai? We both blacked out and then when I woke up he was gone" Jimin said looking at Yoongi.

Both of them were confused and scared.

"Let's go back to my house and try and figure this out" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and ran the way to his house. It took five minutes running and they were both out of breath. Jimin pulled his keys out and unlocked the door. When they both were in Jimin closed the door and locked it. They took there shoes off and put it away and they headed up to Jimin's room.


Uploaded: 10/11/2018
Edited: 20/11/2018

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