Chapter 1: Welcome to my life

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Keiths POV

"You little shit! It's your fault she's gone! She didn't deserve you!"

Yup, that's my father. Drunk as usual. Nothing new. Bruises covered my arms and now I'm on the ground with a small pool of blood forming around me. I knew one of my ribs were broken maybe even more because it was getting harder and harder to breath.

I was gasping for air. Tears were already flowing down my face for what he said to me. My mother died when I was only 6 years old. I would tell all the kids in school that she died while fighting for the country as if she were a solider in the military. What they really didn't know was the truth. How she was a normal grocery store worker trying to make a living for her husband and child. How she was bleeding out on the living room floor in front of me. All the experiences from over the years only lead me to remembering how she used to sing "Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles.

It was before I knew it that I was crawling up the steps toward my bedroom where I keep my bandages, my concealer to try and cover up my bruises. I realized once I finished patching up the cuts that I was running low on bandages. I didn't really have money so ill have to ask Pidge if she'd get them for me. 

Pidge was my best friend. She helped me through all my troubles with my brother and my dad. She was my support through all my love problem. Especially.... you know what nevermind. I don't like talking about that. Shiro doesn't even know any of this is happening. I miss my brother.

I was leaning against my back wall just beneath my window crying my eyes out. I don't know how I long I could take this.  Its been going on for so long.

I decided to give Pidge a call. I had calmed down at that point and decided to tell her that I needed bandages. It rang twice before she answered.


I cringed and pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Hello to you too Pigeon."

"Where the hell have you been!? You didn't call or text me for two days!"

"Sorry. I had... issues to deal with and honestly I spent most of the days trying to get some sleep."

"Oh. At least your trying. Anything you need?"

"I need bandages and more concealer. You know the shade."

I was a pale vampire as she likes to call me.

"Yeah okay I won't be able to get them until after school tomorrow. Can you manage till then?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thx Pidge."

"No problem. See ya Keith! Emo bastard..."

She had then hung up. God damn it I'm not an Emo! Oh well I might as well get used to it. I was laying in my bed contemplating how I was going to deal with this.

Black sweatshirt, black jeans, earbuds and sunglasses. Yeah I know it's spring. I can't afford anyone to ask questions. I should probably forget the sunglasses because they are going to force me to take them off anyway.

I set out my outfit before leaving my room to find something to eat. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find....


Only Ketchup, an empty box of root beer and a stash of Bud Light.

Go figure.

I searched through the cupboards before spotting a pack of Saltine crackers. I haven't eaten in two days and it made me hungry.

I was about to reach for the pack before I heard something smash from the living room. I jumped and ran into the living room to find that my dad had passed out and the beer bottle that was in his hand just fell to the floor. Thank god.

I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the crackers putting on my shoes and walked out the door opening the packet and eating them. I had my earbuds blasting Three Days Grace and I had a black shirt on with a loose jacket hugging my body.

My jeans were ripped and my mullet was not brushed. I must have looked ridiculous. Anyone I didn't care. I went to the park and sat on a bench there for a while. Finally enjoying my life when I spot...


He was playing football with the rest of his friends in the field. I had a huge crush on him but it didn't matter because he would never like someone like me.

I chose to ignore him until it suddenly got dark around me and I notice a football player standing in front of me. I looked up at him glaring.

Why did this have to happen today?

"Hey Emo! Get off our turf!"

"I'm not bothering you so why should I leave?"

My voice was scratchy as hell but I had to do something.

Instead of arguing some more the kid decided to punch me in my stomach and throw me to the ground signaling the other football players to join in.

I look over and find lance standing off in the distance. I started to get upset and tears started coming out of my eyes. Black spots filled my vision.

When they had stopped I quickly got up and ran to Pidges house. She was closest and she would be able to help me. Hopefully.

I then realized that my phone was still in my pocket and my crackers were gone. I only got to eat three of them. Well that sucks.

I arrived at Pidges house and knocked on the door. I swear to go Pidge if you aren't home...

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