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C H A P T E R 3.
Monday, August 20

"Blue wake up," I said shaking a sleeping Blue.

"Just five more minutes mommy," she groaned. It was 7:30 in the morning and Blue had to be at school by 8:30 while the twins and Paige had to be at school by 9. Since Keith was in college his schedule varied.

"Don't make me get my belt," I warned her and she hopped up quickly.

"I'm up, I'm up," she said and headed to her personal bathroom with me following behind her.

I ran Blue a bath and washed her hair in the process. Once she completely bathed herself, she dressed herself and I began doing her hair. I simply put her hair up since I was on a timed schedule.

After I was finished with Blue I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. When I got to the kitchen Halle had already beat me to it.

"Good morning mother and baby sister," Halle smiled.

"Good morning," Blue said.

"Good morning. Will I ever get the chance to be a mother?" I joked.

She chuckled, "Sorry."

"It's fine. What are you making?" I asked as I sat Blue on the stool at the island.

"I made Chloe and I a fruit parfait with granola and honey and I made you meat eaters pancakes, bacon, and eggs," she smiled.

I kissed her cheek, "You're the best."

"I want blueberries in my pancakes," Blue said.

"Your wish is my command," Halle said tickling her.

"Good morning ma!" Paige said cheerfully entering the kitchen along with Chloe and Keith.

"Good morning mother!" Chloe smiled.

"Morning ma!" Keith said kissing my cheek.

"Good morning my wonderful kids," I said as I was showered with kisses. I loved my kids more than anything, they're my motivation. Waking up and seeing their faces made me extremely happy.

Halle finished making breakfast and everyone began eating.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"8:05," Paige answered quickly since she always had her phone in her hand.

"Keith you need to get going with Blue," I said.

Since Keith's first class was at 10 am he was responsible for getting Blue to school. Once Blue was out of school at 3, her school provided transportation to the dance academy I enrolled her in. I would then pick her up at 6:30 when I got off work. Chloe, Halle, and Paige would ride to school together and come home together since they were attending the same school. We had 3 cars so everything worked out perfectly. Keith had his own car, the girls shared a car, and of course, I had my own car.

Keith stuffed his face with his remaining food, drowned his orange juice and burped loudly, "Boy was that good."

"Eww, you're disgusting," Chloe said with a stank face.

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