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C H A P T E R 14.
Wednesday, November 7

"Damn!" I heard as I walked into the classroom

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"Damn!" I heard as I walked into the classroom.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"It's illegal to be that damn fine," Snoop said.

"God most definitely took his time on you."

I chuckled, "Thanks, I think."

"I don't think I'll be able to concentrate if you teach like that."

"Lucky for you I have a fun surprise for you guys."

They all groaned, "Don't do that, I can be fun."

"Whenever you say you have a surprise we end up taking a test or watching movies. By the way, we've seen Boys in the Hood and Menace to Society numerous of times," Kevin said.

"I only show y'all those types of movies to warn y'all that could happen once you're released and go back to your old ways acting all willy-nilly and shit," I said.

"Are you ever gonna tell us what the surprise is?" Emory asked.

"Oh yes, I completely forgot. Since you guys will be taking your GED Test next week I wanted to give y'all something for all the hard work y'all have put in. Y'all have worked so hard and I want y'all to know I see the growth and I'm so proud. It's like watching your kid take their first step, a proud mommy moment. The world has a rude awakening once y'all are released and I don't mean that in a good way."

"Bey are they ready?" Kelly asked peeking her in the classroom.

"Ready for what?" Pac asked.

"After a lot of meetings, harassment and paperwork I was able to get a trip to The Houston Museum of Fine Arts and I know it's not much but I thought y'all would like it," I said.

"We're leaving?" Jay asked.


"Like the prison?"


They all jumped up and tried to rush out the door pushing each other, "Aye! Single file line and keep your hands to yourself or everybody is staying their ass right here!" I yelled.

They all mumbled sorry and quickly got in line.

"Don't forget y'all niggas are still prisoners," Kelly said.

"Stop being an ass," I nudged her.

"All I wanted was some dick but Titan kept cockblocking so I'm gonna be an ass until I get some dick bitch, ok?"

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