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C H A P T E R 33
Sunday, December 30

"I'm home!" I yelled from the foyer dropping my bags in the process

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"I'm home!" I yelled from the foyer dropping my bags in the process.

Our plane landed at 5pm but it was so packed at the airport that it took us nearly an hour to leave the airport and we spent another hour in just sitting traffic. We were both tired and Jay knew the girls missed me so he decided to just go straight to his place so I could spend time with them.

"Mommy is that you?!" Halle yelled.

"Unless you replaced me with a new mom then yes, it's me!"

Seconds later Halle appeared in front of me smiling brightly as ever. Even though I was a little disappointed that she was pregnant, pregnancy looked great on her, my baby was glowing.

We embraced each other in a hug as if we hadn't seen each other in years, "I missed you so much, mommy."

"I missed you too," I kissed her cheek before releasing from the hug.

"I know you needed a break but don't ever leave us like that again unless we're going too cause we were really in here going through it," she said.

I chuckled, "it was so nerve-racking being apart from y'all."

"Who you telling? We were really having withdraws, I hated it!" She expressed.

"I know baby, but if you can't handle me being away for a weekend how are you gonna go to college?"

She shrugged.

I laughed, "How's the kid?" I asked touching her stomach.

"The little one is still in here. I'm fifteen weeks but Emilia said I'm too underweight and I'm not getting enough nutrients."


"Momma you know I'm the twin that never ate a lot and it doesn't help that I'm vegan. She did prescribe me with vitamins and referred me to a dietitian, Diggy and I are gonna meet with her on Wednesday."

"Well let me know what they say so I can make sure we take the proper steps, now where's everyone else?"

"Keith is at Ryan's, he's been there since Saturday. Paige and Shay are upstairs and I believe Chloe is still asleep."

"And Kelly?"

"In your bed probably," she shrugged.

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