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C H A P T E R 6.
Wednesday, August 22

Before I headed to work I decided to make a quick stop. It was exactly 8:30 am when I pulled up at the construction site. I got out of my car carefully, trying my best not to trip on the rocks.

 I got out of my car carefully, trying my best not to trip on the rocks

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"Do you know where I can find, Terrence?" I asked the first guy I seen.

"He's over there," the guy pointed.

"Thank you," I smiled before walking in the direction he pointed at.

"Terrence!" I yelled repeatedly once he was in my sight.

One of the guys working with him tapped him getting his attention. He turned to look at me from the roof of the house he was working on.

I motioned for him to come down.

He climbed down the ladder and we were now face to face.

Terrence worked in construction, he's been in construction since high school. He now owned his own construction company but I guessed he worked on-site when he wanted.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," he said taking off his construction hat.

"This was the last place I expected to be," I said.

"What you need? You ain't come here for nothing," he said in a rude way.

I thought long and hard about what my mother said and I did need to give him a chance to be a father. I just wasn't ready to forgive him, I couldn't forgive him now. The pain ran too deep.

"You are absolutely right, I came here because I need you to be a father to your kids," I said.

"I tried being there but, you know what you did? You left," he said.

"I left because you beat my ass day in and day out. I had every right to leave your ass, I was tired of the abuse. I refused to continue to go through that shit while I took care of our kids and carried our kids. I didn't want them around your crazy ass. Now I came here to see if you've changed but I guess not because you still can't man up and be a father to kids you help create."

"I am so damn tired of you throwing this shit in my face. I've changed, I'm a grown ass man now. I got responsibilities now, I ain't got time to be arguing with you over some shit that happened over a fucking decade ago."

"Nigga, playing house with that bitch is not the only responsibilities you got. You're addressing everything else except for the fact that you're a deadbeat ass father. If you really wanted to be in their lives you would've made sure you were in their lives, no matter the cost but no, you wanted to run after the next bitch."

"Watch how you talk about my wife."

"Fuck you and your wife. The bitch can fall down a flight of stairs. Both of y'all did me so wrong and y'all don't even acknowledge it. Y'all act like it's whatever, like I don't have feelings. So yes, fuck both of y'all. I hope y'all continue to have a happy fucking life! Find me when you get some damn sense and realize you need to grow the fuck up and take care of your kids," I said angrily before leaving.

I started my car up speeding off the construction site heading to work. I don't know why this man is able to make me so damn mad, he always manages to gets under my skin no matter the circumstances. I visited him today with good intentions but he wanted to be difficult. Why couldn't he just man up and be a father? I'm seriously not understanding. He had no problem starting a new life with Latoya's snake ass. Long story short, Kelly, Latoya, and I were all really close friends up until Latoya thought it would be best to fuck him when she KNEW we were together. She KNEW how I felt about him, she KNEW he was my everything and she still decided to mess with him. I found out when I was 3 months pregnant with Paige and it turns out they've been messing around since our junior year in high school which was about 3 years. I stayed with him thinking things would change but they didn't. He is now married to Latoya and I believe they have 3 kids together, I could be mistaken. I just wanted my kids to have their father in their lives because they've been deprived long enough and I know they don't say anything but, I know they feel some type of way and they don't deserve it.

Eventually, I made it to work going through security in the process. By the time I made it to my class, the inmates were already seated.

None of them said a word, I could feel the tension in the room. After I got myself situated I leaned against the front of my desk look at all of them.

"Where's Jay?" I asked noticing he wasn't here.

No one said anything, they just looked off into space. I already wasn't in the mood so they were pissing me off more.

"Y'all can't speak? Are y'all fucking deaf?" I questioned. These were grown ass men so I didn't have a problem cursing their ass out.

They still said nothing.

"Ok, I see how it is," I said before leaving the classroom heading to the wardens' office.

"How may I help you, Beyoncé?" he asked as I stood in front of his desk.

"I'm missing a student, why isn't he present?" I asked.

"I'm guessing you're talking about Mr. Carter?"

"I am."

"He's in solitary confinement."

"He should be in my class not in solitary confinement," I said.

"Well Mr. Carter needs to be held accountable for his actions and his punishment is solitary confinement. Sorry to break the news to you but, he's gonna have to miss your class today," the warden said.

"Let me see him," I argued.

"Excuse me?"

"Let me see him," I repeated.

The warden nodded his head at the guard. I guess that meant he was gonna let me see him. It was crazy because I didn't expect him to allow me to.

"Follow me, Ms. Knowles," the guard said and I followed him.

I followed the guard all the way to the other side of the prison until we were in the solitary confinement part of the prison.

"You're a good woman," the guard said as we continued to walk. He was an older guy, looked to be in his early 50s. He seemed like he was a good person, unlike most guards.

"Why you say that? You don't even know me," I said.

"No one has shown this much interest in him, ever. I've known Jay long enough to know that he just needs someone to talk to, that's not a therapist or a counselor. He has no real family, they turned their backs on him. I know you'll be that person for him," the guard said.

I chuckled, "I don't know about all that."

"Not to be cocky but my instincts are never wrong," he said as he stopped at a cell, "Carter, you have a visitor," he said unlocking the cell.

He opened the door and Jay was there sitting on the floor with his head lying on his knees. Not once did he look up.

"Take all the time you need," the guard smiled.

"Jay it's me, Beyoncé."

❓Do you think Terrence should step up to the plate

❓Did Beyoncé have the right to act that way towards Terrence

📍Shawn's POV coming next

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