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C H A P T E R 38
Wednesday, January 9

"Bey are you ready yet?" I asked sitting on her bed while she took forever to get ready.

"Hold on!"

"You've been saying that for thirty minutes, you were supposed to be ready an hour ago."

She peeked her head out the bathroom, "You told me to be ready an hour ago but I don't have to be ready for another ten minutes."

"I know, I only told you that so we wouldn't have to go through this because we both know you won't be ready in ten minutes, you're not even dressed."

"I have my outfit already picked out, I just have to put it on."

"What about the outfits you have to go through once you decide you don't like the outfit you picked out?"

She laughed, "get out, you're distracting me."

"Don't kick me out because I'm right."

"I'll be down in a minute."

I shook my head, "Aight," I said before leaving and going downstairs to watch tv until she was ready.

Today Bey and I were going to meet with Regina and my lawyer, Nia to discuss alternatives.

"I didn't know you were here," I heard knowing that voice belonged to Keith.

"Yeah, waiting on Bey to get ready."

"You'll be waiting for another hour messing with her," he chuckled sitting down.

"Don't I know it," I mumbled.

After a moment of very uncomfortable silence he spoke again, "Is it ok if I talk to you about something?"

I pray to God he talks to me like he got some since or I really might have to kill this kid for real this time.

I took my attention away from the tv, "Wassup."

"Well I talked to my mom and she told me how she felt about you and if she's happy then who am I parade on her happiness," he said.

Interesting, the little nigga finally had a change of heart, "glad you changed your mind. I would hate for us to continue to not get along when I genuinely care for not only your mother but your sisters as well."

"I know and I appreciate you being there for them when I was the one that left them to go do some dumb shit."

"It's no problem and trust me, I know exactly how you were feeling. I grew up without my father just like you and that shit messes with your mental. You don't know what to do or who to turn to because it's just some things you can't talk to your mother about. But the difference between you and I is that you have the love and support to be great. You have an amazing mother and loving sisters. And yeah my mother and siblings may love and care about me but the first chance they got they turned their backs on me. Bey and your sisters would never turn their backs on you, if they did you wouldn't be here right now. I say all this to let you know that the street life is not the life you want to live, I promise you, and this is coming from a nigga that was raised by streets and got too deep in the shit. Even after going to prison and getting out this shit still tied to me. Go to school, take care of your family, and be great. Don't let none of these niggas out here clown you for that cause while you going somewhere in life they only going to prison or their deathbed."

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