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C H A P T E R 26
Friday, December 21

"Jay, what's this in your refrigerator?" Meek asked from the kitchen.

I had just got off work about an hour ago and decided to invite my boys TyTy, Emory and Meek over to show them my new place.

"Uh some Alfredo with steak and shrimp," I said concentrating on the game.

"Where you buy this shit from cause you can't cook for shit nigga?"

"Somebody made it."

"Who?" He asked being nosy as hell.

"His girl," TyTy smirked.

"Bro, you got a girl?" Emory asked anxiously.


"You're lying, she's the one who decorated your place and she cooked dinner for you last night and she helping you get your daughter back," TyTy said.

"Who is she?" Meek asked.

"She bad, thick and pretty as hell. She the girl who came busting in my house telling me to get her son out the game."

"Lil nigga that got shot?" Meek asked.

"Yeah, she lucky Jay got a thing for her or I would've killed her and her son."

"You talking reckless, relax," I said.

"Defending her and she ain't even give you pussy yet, pathetic."

"Nigga fuck you. You cheating on that bitch you call your girlfriend every chance you get."

"So you not talking to Erica no more?" Meek asked.

I shook my head, "I been busy tryna get my shit together and Bey been on my ass."

"Bey as in Beyoncé Knowles who basically got us out early?" Emory asked.

"Yes her, why y'all so damn nosy?"

"Shawty bad I don't how you bagged her fine ass?" Emory said.

"We're not together, she's just helping me out. She's literally just helping me out and my daughter is living with her. What don't y'all get?"

"She gotta be bad if you ain't even messing with Erica no more," Meek chuckled shaking his head.

"Who's that?" TyTy asked when we heard a knock at the door.

I shrugged getting up to open the door, "Hi daddy!" Shay greeting me.

"Hey, baby girl!" I smiled pulling her into a hug then letting her in.

"Who's this?" Meek asked.

"His fucking daughter, they look just alike," TyTy said.

"Shay these are your uncles, Meek, TyTy and Emory," I said pointing to each one of them, "and everyone this is my daughter Shay."

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