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C H A P T E R 8.
Friday, August 31

"Can anyone explain to me what y equals?" I asked.

"A letter can't equal a number?" Kevin answered.

I shook my head and sighed, "I literally just told y'all what y equals."

"Don't it equal z?" Daniel asked.

"Damnit, it's written on the board. I wrote it on the board," I said desperately. I've been teaching algebra for a week and they just weren't grasping the concept. It's like teaching a bunch of toddlers.

"Ohhh," they all said in unison.

"What can I do to help y'all understand because there's no point in me teaching if y'all not comprehending."

"It's boring," Jay said.

"Excuse me," I smirked looking at him.

He smiled, "We may be grown men but we still need entertainment, it needs to be interesting."

They nodded indicating they agreed with him.

"Everything can't be fun and games, actual learning has to take place. Y'all are like a bunch of kids," I explained as my phone began to ring.

I pressed the volume button to stop the ringing.

"Can we watch movies?" someone asked.

"What is watching a movie gonna solve?"

"It's gonna expand our horizons," Emory said causing them to laugh.

"Y'all are full of shit," I laughed as my phone continued to go off.

I didn't know who it was but it had to be important because they kept calling repeatedly.

"I have to take a call,"  I told the inmates before answering.



"I got in trouble, someone has to pick me up and they want to have a conference with you. I called Keith but he can't come to get me because he's in class," she said.

"Paige, I'm at work and it's too damn early. What did you do?" I asked. She's only been in school for 2 weeks and she's already getting into trouble.

"This lady wanna talk to you," she said with an attitude before handing the phone over.

"Ms. Knowles?"


"I'm Mrs. White, the principal. Paige was caught skipping class for the third time this week along with a few other students. When she was caught she was extremely disrespectful to me and other staff members. I would like to have a meeting with you about her behavior."

I could hear Paige yelling in the background saying they were lying. I wanted to get my hands on her so bad.

"I'm at work right now, it'll take me about an hour and a half to come get her," I said.

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