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C H A P T E R 19
Thursday, November 22

"Chloe get out my way," I nudged her as I tried to put the turkey in the oven.

"Hal and I gotta eat too," she said.

"Well cook y'all vegan shit out my damn way, how 'bout that?"

She groaned, "I'll be back, trust."

"Beyoncé Knowles! Why don't I smell food?!" my mother loud ass yelled entering my house.

"I just got up like twenty minutes ago and I just put the turkey in the oven," I said as she came around the corner.

"Really Beyoncé? It's eleven o'clock, it's too damn late to be putting the turkey in the oven," she said placing all the things she brought on the counter.

"Hey Bey," Solange smiled coming in the kitchen as well.

"Hey," I hugged her kissing her cheek.

"Did you let the turkey marinate overnight?" momma questioned opening the oven.

"Stop, you're letting all the oven heat out," I whined.

"Tina already in here tryna run things?" Regina asked coming in behind Solange.

"Yeah, she asked me did I marinate the turkey overnight. This ain't my first rodeo," I said.

"You might be grown but I can still beat your ass, call me Tina again, ya hear?" she pointed at Regina before getting the potatoes for the potato salad.

"I'm just saying, if you wanted to do Thanksgiving then you should've kept it at your house," Gina said before turning to me, "You need help with anything?"

"Yeah you can start with the greens," I pointed to all the greens that were on the counter.

"Y'all need me to do anything?" Solange asked.

"No!" we quickly yelled in unison.

"Don't do me like that," she said.

"Solange you know damn well you can't cook so I don't know why you tried it," momma said.

"I can cook."

"Girl we had to throw out the kool-aid last year because you messed it up," Regina said.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah, the kids were gagging and everything. We thought they had got into some cleaning products or something the way they were choking," she laughed.

"I don't like the way y'all ganging up on me and y'all don't even get along. You see how cordial they are momma?"

"Bey and I have come to an understanding, we're cool now."


"Yeah," I spoke.

"Did hell freeze over because I never thought this day would come." mom said.

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