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C H A P T E R 36
Friday, January 4


"Can you hand me another box?" Ryan asked as we packed up her apartment

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"Can you hand me another box?" Ryan asked as we packed up her apartment.

I handed her a box, "you good?" I asked noticing the attitude in her voice.

"Yeah," she mumbled.

"Yo Ry, what's the problem?"

"Keith I said I'm good!" She raised her voice.

I sighed, ever since she told her parents she was pregnant and they cut her off she's been on edge. She had an attitude 24/7 when all I wanted to do was make sure she was ok. I was very experienced when it came to females and their hormones and attitudes, I was raised by my mother and had 4 sisters. It was different at times with Ryan because I had a different type of love for her. I had no idea what to do. I wasn't experienced in the relationship department. Yeah I slept with different girls but I never had a girlfriend before, let alone a pregnant one. I just wanted her to be happy.

Ryan was different she wasn't materialistic even though she came from money. She was deeper than that, I had to connect with her on a spiritual level and that's why I love her. I wouldn't want anyone else to be the mother of my kid.

"Ryan talk to me, please," I stressed.

"It's not right, Keith, everything is just wrong. I'm pregnant, I only have so much money saved up-"

"I told you I got us!"

"We're moving in with your mother, Keith, she already has enough to deal with! I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not though! It was her idea, if it was such a big deal she wouldn't have suggested it."

"She felt sorry for me."

I shook my head, "My mother isn't like that, she just has a big heart and she's very open-minded. Trust me if she feels a way about you she'll let you know. If anything she has a problem with your parents for cutting you off when you're carrying a child."

"This baby," she cried.

"There's nothing wrong with the baby, you can't get rid of it," I told her.

"I know and I would never do that but we have to change our entire lives for this baby," she said as tears streamed down her face.

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