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C H A P T E R 4.
Tuesday, August 21

"Hello mother," I smiled hugging her.

"Hello darling," she said hugging me back, "I didn't order yet, I was waiting on your slow ass," she chuckled.

"Ma," I straight faced her.

"What? I'm just being honest. I told you to meet me at twelve, it's going on twelve-thirty," she said before waving the waiter over.

"How can I help you ladies today?" the waiter smiled holding his notepad.

"I'll have a fruit salad with french toast and bacon, and an orange juice please," I said.

"I'll have the Caesar salad with a glass of champagne," my mother said.

Today was Tuesday which meant I didn't have to teach today. Tuesday's, Sunday's, and occasional Saturday's were the only days I didn't have to teach. Since I had absolutely nothing planned for today my mother thought it would be best if we went to brunch.

"Guess who spoke to me last night at bible study?" mother said after we ordered.

"Who?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "That baby daddy of yours."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes and I don't know why that man hasn't spoken to me in years. He has not once asked about you nor those kids so I'm confused as to why he did all of a sudden."

"I ran into him, Sunday, at the store, and he saw Keith," I explained.

My mother chuckled lightly, "Oh so that's why he wants to act like he cares all of a sudden, cause he's seen that you're doing great without him. That man shows up to church with his wife and kids and acts like he's a saint like he doesn't have four other kids in this world. It's ridiculous, why lay down and have kids if you're not gonna take care of 'em? Now the kids have to suffer when they ain't ask to be here," my mother ranted.

"I gave him the option to be there but he chose to stay here and be with the girl I called a friend. I hate him and Latoya fake ass, I really do."

"And you have every right to hate them but, you have to forgive them."

I rolled my eyes scoffed.

"I know you don't want to babygirl but you have to, you will never be truly happy unless you forgive them. I'm not saying you have to now but you will have to eventually."

"Momma you don't know the half."

"Your right and I don't want to know cause I'll kill that bastard in the house of the Lord and call the police myself," she said as the food came out.

The waiter asked if we needed anything else and we didn't so we ate and continued to talk.

"Why didn't you come to me?" mother asked sipping her champagne.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I ate my fruit.

"I don't know everything but I know that man was putting his hands on you. I saw the bruises when you came home," she said.


"Terrence where do you think you're going?" I asked as I tried to put a 1 year old Keith back to sleep.

"I'm going out, mind ya business," he said putting on his jacket.

"It is my business. It two o'clock in the fucking morning," I raised my voice.

"I don't give a damn what time it is, I'm a grown ass man!" he yelled.

"Lower your voice, Keith is trying to sleep," I stood up walking towards him.

"Back up off me, Beyoncé. I got places to be."

"You ain't got nowhere to be, nigga. I'm your girl, you need to cut that bitch you fucking off."

"You always talking about another bitch! Ain't no other bitch, Beyoncé! I'm stuck with your nagging ass!" he yelled in my face.

"Fuck you!" I yelled pushing him off balance.


I stumbled back and looked up at the man I so-called love. I can't believe he hit me, in front of our son and while I was carrying his unborn child. Keith began crying as I regained my balance.

I shook my head holding my face, "I hate you," I mumbled as tears streamed down my face.

"I warned you to back up off me Beyoncé. I'm going out, I'll be back when I feel like coming back now shut that lil nigga up, the neighbors tryna sleep," Terrence said before walking out the door of his apartment.

I picked up Keith to calm him down as he cried, "It's gonna be ok baby boy, go back to sleep," I mumbled rocking him back and forth.

"I don't know momma, I was in love and I didn't want anyone commenting on our relationship, and I was scared. I didn't know how to tell you," I said trying to refrain from crying.

"You are my daughter, and I love my kids more than anything. You can tell me anything and I will still love you the exact same way. I'm your mother, don't be afraid to tell me what's on your mind. You're my daughter and I love you," she said.

"I love you too momma."

After my mother and I talked for a little while longer, I decided it was time for me to go home. I need all the rest I can get before my kids got home.

❓Do you think Beyoncé should forgive Terrence

❓Which kids POV y'all want next

📍I'm back sorry for the delay I missed y'all but I needed a break. School, work, and basketball consumes my life, I ain't forget about y'all tho ☺️

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