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C H A P T E R 7.
Wednesday, August 22

"Jay it's me, Beyoncé."

I looked up and saw Beyoncé standing in the doorway looking beautiful as ever. I chuckled softly at the fact that she actually listened and wore less revealing clothing.

"What are you in here for?" she asked coming fully into the cell.

"Why? So you can judge me more than you already have," I said.

She sighed, "No, so I can understand you better. I can read most people like an open book but you, you're closed off and it frustrates me because I want to help you."

I shook my head, "I don't need help."

"Everyone needs a little help from time to time," she said softly.

"Not me."

She chuckled and walked over to sit in front of me on the floor. I'm not gonna lie it shocked the hell out of me.

"Talk to me, as a friend. There's no teacher and student relationship, just two friends having a conversation," she smiled.

"No judging and it stays between us?" I asked.

"Cross my heart and hope to die," she smiled sitting crisscrossed.

"I've always been a troubled kid, I think it had a lot to do with my father not being in my life. I sold drugs starting at the age of 14, by the time I was 18 years old, I ran Texas. You would think I'm in here for selling drugs but, I'm not. I've been locked up for 15 years for a crime I didn't commit," I confessed.

"What happened?" she mumbled.

"I turned 22, decided to go out with my boys, Ty Ty, Emory, Juan. We had a great time, I met this girl at the club we went to. She was feeling me and I was feeling her so I brought her to my place and we had sex. She found me 2 months later saying she was pregnant. I told her I would be there, I told her I would take care of our child but she wasn't trying to hear that. She went on and on about how her parents would kill her so she said I raped her. I ain't gon lie I was fucked up that night but I would never hurt a female, I wasn't raised that way. My mother taught me to treat women with the upmost respect and I have sisters I wouldn't want no one doing that shit to my sisters. I tried to beat the case but her father was the district attorney... I lost everything the day I went to trial. Everyone lost respect for me, my mother, my sisters, my brother, my family and most importantly I lost my daughter."

"You have a daughter?"

"I've never met her but she recently found me and started writing me. Turns out she's been in foster care since she was 5, she hates it and says she can't wait for me to get out of here. I haven't had the courage to write her back. I love her more than anything and I barely know her. If I complete this GED Program I'll be let out on parole and I'll finally be able to see her. I want her to know the real me and not this terrible person people make me out to be," I explained.

Shay wrote me everyday and told me about her day. How much she hates her foster homes, how good she does in school, and she even tells me how her friends don't get along. I can't wait to get out of here and get my babygirl. She was my everything.

"You're a good man Jay," Beyoncé smiled wiping the tear that slipped from her eye.

"Are you crying?" I asked her.

She sniffed and chucked, "No, it's just that I've heard so many things about you and I don't see what everyone else sees."

"You're the first person who's treated me like a person and not an inmate. You're also the first person I've opened up to," I said looking into her eyes.

"I'm glad I can be that person," she mumbled.

We both leaned forward and next thing you know our lips were touching. Our lips moved in sync as we shared a kiss. It was probably the most passionate kiss I've ever had. I'm not even gonna start on how soft her lips were. Once we both realized what had happened we pulled away.

"I'm sorry," I quickly said.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," she said while getting up.

"I shouldn't have—"

"You don't have to apologize for something I enjoyed," she smiled, "Now I'm gonna see if I can get you out of here so we can work towards you getting your daughter."

"Thank you, Beyoncé."

"You're welcome," she smiled before leaving.

❓What do you think is gonna happen next

📍Short chapter, hopefully, next chapter will be longer

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